**Installing Multiple Instances of Ubuntu WSL2** ============================================== ### **Step 1: Install Latest Version of Ubuntu WSL2** ```bash wsl install ``` ### **Step 2: Download Ubuntu WSL Tarball** Go to the website [cloud-images.ubuntu.com](https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/wsl/releases/24.04/current/) and download the .tar.gz file. Unzip the file so there is only one .tar file left. ### **Step 3: Install Second Instance Ubuntu WSL2** Create a folder anywhere on the system. In this example the folder is in ```C:\Test_Server_Cloud\```. Export the image: Make a copy of the file, sometimes an error occurs and the image vanishes. ```bash wsl --export Ubuntu2 C:\Test_Server_Cloud\ubuntu-noble-wsl-amd64-wsl.rootfs.tar ``` Import the image: ```bash wsl --import Ubuntu2 .\Ubuntu2\ .\ubuntu-noble-wsl-amd64-wsl.rootfs.tar ``` ### **Step 4: Login to Second Instance Ubuntu WSL2** ```bash wsl ~ -d Ubuntu2 ``` ### **Step 5: Setup User Accounts** ```bash useradd -m -G sudo -s /bin/bash $NEW_USER passwd $NEW_USER ``` ### **Step 6: Configure Default User** ```bash tee /etc/wsl.conf <